Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

…to communicate with whom though?

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Only way it makes sense if secret service is making calls to other agencies during the 20m to find out if thats their guy.

My biggest problem with this sign is that I’m pretty sure there’s an unnecessary “that’s” in it

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That you are unable or unwilling to respect my request for you not to reply to me ever again confirms that putting you on ignore is the right decision.


Right to jail!!

If this were an episode of Law and Order we would get the misdirect and it turns out that the shooter was an BF and the firefighters daughter or some such nonsense.


I agree that you making the right choice by putting me on ignore.

Like most folks here, I suspect that you like this forum because it is essentially a space space/support group for disgruntled Lefties.

This is not a criticism of you or of the forum; safe spaces and support groups are wonderful things.

If the moderators feel that my posting here is inconsistent with their wishes for the forum, I will gladly leave.

I have noticed, however, that at least some folks here enjoy engaging people with fundamentally different worldviews.

If you don’t enjoy people you don’t care for responding to your posts, then you might want to consider starting you own website or at least a Discord group where you can allow or disallow anyone you want.

Anyway, I respect your choice to block me just I respect my choice to comment on posts that can be read by everyone on this forum.


Snopes has passed judgement and they say FALSE.

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By what knowable, absolute, unchanging and infallible standard is anything “objectively evil?”

You may be surprised to learn that most working philosophers are moral realists, meaning they think there are objective standards for right and wrong.

Historically, you are certainly correct. Not sure that is the case any more. (I have a B.A. in Philosophy, so I’ve read a bit.)

My claim is based on survey results from 2020

While I don’t have data to back it up, I believe the view is actually more popular now than it was during the mid-20th century when many philosophers were into things like logical positivism and emotivism

I agree that moral realism was at an all-time low in the west for most of the 20th century.

Trump is gonna wear that bandage for the rest of his life? I bet he never shows his mangled ear again.


He saw the press Scholz was getting for the eye patch.

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Think of the money he could get by auctioning off the ear patch


It might become a relic even! :transmet_smiley:


Thought associating with criminals violated the terms of Trump’s probation.


This is disconnected from reality. The “c-suite” is not doing this, at all. They are uniformly dismantling DEI initiatives. Of course, the facts don’t matter.