Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

The fact that it’s been 99% determined there will be no consequences thanks to the SC ruling, is actually one of the small things that supplies me a degree of hopium for Trump’s second term. I think it’s very possible he just golfs for another four years, worries about nothing but enriching himself, and leaves peacefully in 2029 after accomplishing as little as humanly possible. In the vein of Koss’s point #2 above, he’ll probably claim to have fixed the economy, “brought peace” to Ukraine (by doing nothing and letting Russia overrun it) and the middle east (by doing nothing and letting Israel level Palestine), stopped the flood of migrants (that never really existed), and whatever else he wants to say, and his base will nod and smile and say “best president ever” which is all he cares about.

If it looked like he were on the verge of like 3 different serious felony convictions upon getting elected, that’s when I would be afraid of him trying to become dictator.

Can’t wait for the inevitable tax cuts for the rich business owners and reduced services for the working class this next term.

Yep. It’s pretty telling that in Trump term #1 the only agenda item that the GOP could actually push through was tax cuts for the rich. That’s it. It’s all they’ve got.

Trump admin did ICE raids all over the country and deported 300k people, many long time residents and they rolled back more than 100 environmental rules. These were the things he promised to do, did a fair amount of it and again, deporting people and killing the atmosphere are given prime spots in Trump’s promises for another term.


he doesn’t need to retire to do that


Though, maybe you’re right about the GOP and pushing through (other than court appointments). Much of what Trump did on immigration and the environment were through executive orders.

The ladder in the pictures we’ve seen looks taller than the 5 foot ladder he supposedly bought. Also 5’ is pretty short for getting on a roof. Maybe the taller one belonged to the local cops and he used it when they conveniently left it up.

I thought it was like one of the rules of homeownership that you don’t leave a ladder up because you never know when some neighbor kid will see it and end up injuring himself then suing you. But maybe they don’t teach that at cop school.

Maybe this happens several times every rally and if they were constantly yanking Trump off stage he’d be furious. Now, not so much of course.

There is some pure speculation that there was a straight ladder attached to the building, but it had a security door and a short ladder may have been to get above that.


Is it normal for the teamsters to speak at the RNC?


In fairness, we’re all (mostly) going to vote for a ham sandwich.

Also, he’s not going to die in office or retire. You’re getting the full 4 years. There is zero chance he would not milk every second of power, and the actuarial tables are sadly not on our side here.

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I take it that picture is just for illustration? It would make sense but in the Google maps pics it appears there is no such fixed ladder, at least not at the spot we later see a ladder. Maybe there is a fixed ladder somewhere else around the perimeter but I didn’t see one in a quick maps tour around it. Things could have changed and the person who posted the maps link here said the images are from 2023.

There’s not much point in thinking about these details but at least it doesn’t produce as much anxiety as dwelling on what Trump is going to do as president.

Yes, just for illustration. A fixed ladder like that may not stick out above the roof in that way.

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The billionaire tax cuts from 2017 are still in place. The cuts people below the stratosphere received have already expired.

Haha was gonna post this to reply as well, fuck that clown

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Cenk Uygar said that this speech was the most progressive speech ever at a convention for EITHER party.

edit: While I almost invariably disagree with Cenk’s policy positions, I enjoy listening to him because I think he understands how politics actually works.

How do you put someone on ignore?

nm got it


I considered this. It would definitely require at least a memo on what does and does not qualify as a valid reason to panic. Don’t do it if someone is protesting or yelling fuck trump. Do it if you have eyes on a firearm pointed at the fucking candidate. Most likely the SS just got cocky and complacent and majorly fucked up.