Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!


Itā€™s all a grift and it works.

KG continues to be a real one.


Nobody votes for the vice president. Trump couldā€™ve picked a Big Mac as his running mate and itā€™d make no difference.

Meh they will be back together in 6 months when comedy is legal again.

It was foretold!


Thats actually super spot on

This cancel culture is out of control!

Thereā€™s 2 schools of thought.

  1. Iā€™m ahead in the polls, pick someone safe to not shake things up. (Barack picks Biden)
  2. Iā€™m down in the polls, pick a wild card to hopefully shake things up (McCain picks Palin).

Iā€™m not sure if #2 actually ever works. I sort of agree that the days of trying to shore up concerns about your candidacy by picking a VP whose strengths outshine your weaknesses or whatever doesnā€™t matter anymore. No one cares.

The job of Vice President is so bizarre.

You basically have two jobs:

  • Bonus senator
  • Magically become the most powerful person on the planet if the president dies

Yeah I also agree that while Vance is a ā€œbadā€ choice I canā€™t imagine it makes more than the most minimal difference in the end.

I mean the only thing I can think of is that you lose a few voters whose line of thought is something likeā€“

  1. Trumpā€™s younger than Biden but no spring chicken and thereā€™s already been one assassination attempt, maybe heā€™s not so likely to make it through four years.
  2. Iā€™m only really voting for him because I think Iā€™m gonna get lower taxes and less inflation and I donā€™t want the christofascist state, but if this guy takes over weā€™re definitely getting the christofascist state.

Some Keystone Cops shit


I can kind of understand how these large outdoor rallies the SS might not be staffed to provide full coverage and leans on local law enforcement for things like perimeter security. What I canā€™t get over is how you donā€™t have some panic button in place where as soon as something out of the ordinary is spotted the SS can have the candidate off stage and somewhere safe in a matter of seconds. To me this would be step 1, and seeing someone suspicious with a weapon would immediately invoke this. Donā€™t confront the person, donā€™t investigate further, but immediately sound the alarm. Then pursue the suspect. The idea that the cops knew the guy was up there, had time to climb the ladder to investigate, got chased down, yet somehow Trump was able to keep speaking until shots rang out, is just wild.

If I were going to stage this it wouldnā€™t look half this bad. Iā€™m with Kep. The writing for this season has gone to shit.

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Maybe but I am not sure the data supports you. Either way, the problem is Vance is a huge favourite to be president given how grease clogged trumps disgusting fat heart has become.

Its also bizarre that its essentially an unelected position. We have primaries to decide who pres candidates are, and then they get to turn around and say ā€œYou kiss my ass well, how would you like to be the most important person in the world if I happen to die?ā€


In the first few POTUS elections the VP jobs went to the runner up, and holy shit we should go back to that just for the lols.

Although the real answer is that our election system is a cobbled together patched up mess of a system initially developed at a time when we were a loosely aligned union of states with a lot of land and not a ton of people and needed some way to account for the representation of slaves. Oh, and information moved at the speed of horse. The system is now incredibly inflexible and no one has the will or the power to change it, so we just keep trudging along like we always do.

Iā€™m not at the ā€œburn it all downā€ stage yet, and have a ton of respect for the work that went into the original constitution, but we can do so much better and itā€™s a travesty that we arenā€™t.


Iā€™m also convinced Trump doesnā€™t care to be President again. He ran to stay out of jail or to pardon himself from any convictions. I think itā€™s totally possible that he gets elected, quickly makes sure all charges against him are dropped, and then retires to golf in club championships. Vance is certainly more MAGA than Rubio or Burgum. Trump is not about to give power to some RINO in the event he dies or quits.

Why would he retire when he can just remain President and have news channels cover him 24 hours a day while elected Republicans trip over themselves to kiss his ass and he gets to golf in club championships?

POTUS is a dream job for narcissists, especially when you just leave all the actual work to toadies/your son-in-law.


Heā€™s a narcissist. Thatā€™s for sure, and they generally hate being criticized, donā€™t they? As opposed to his first term, heā€™s going to be inheriting a bunch of issues. And most of those issues have no easy solutions, especially for someone like him. When things donā€™t get better under his next term, heā€™s going to be under relentless criticism. He can mute that by resigning early and letting someone else deal with all these problems.

Nah, we saw this in term 1, the playbook isnā€™t secret anymore.

  1. Blame the problems on others.
  2. Say you fixed them.
  3. Have your sycophants and propaganda arm agree with you.

Heā€™s a cult leader, and even devoted members tend to turn on their leader when the house of cards crumbles. But the US for all its problems can easily keep running on pure inertia and largely resemble the Country as it was that he inherited with little to no action from him or anyone.

Iā€™m not saying heā€™s immune from the eventual turn that tends to befall cult leaders, but the US is likely immune from the type of short term collapse that would accelerate this. He can keep up his Baghdad Bob ā€œEverything is fine and Iā€™m the bestā€ schtick long enough and run out the clock easily.