Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Those do not expire until Dec 31 2025.

I am just speculating, but with multiple agencies involved, there could be temporary confusion about what agencies have what people on what buildings. Even if SS is the only agency on roofs, there might be a slight pause by the real snipers—“shit, there’s someone on that roof over there, wait, do we have one of our people on that roof? Shit maybe the local cops decided to send someone up there?”

Even if they had a no exceptions rule—“immediately shoot anyone you see on that roof”—it’s hard to get 100% on those. It’s similar to people failing to press the “launch nukes” button at a missile silo test—I understand, people want to be sure

The real failure is letting the guy on the roof. I find the pause in shooting him (after spotting him) to also be a failure, but an understandable and predictable one


I don’t know that he’s political poison but ehhhhh

I get not shooting the guy right away. But there’s no excuse for there being more than 10 to 15 seconds between spotting a suspicious person on a roof with a sightline, and Trump being hauled off stage by a half dozen human shields.

Agreed, spotting a gun, or even just person on roof, you don’t expect should be instant surrounding of the protectee

Ettingermentum is like a 19yr old Chapo stooge and the furthest thing from a Dem partisan lol

Some details of what Crooks was up to at the rally

Sniper took picture of Trump rally shooter, saw him use rangefinder before assassination attempt, source says - CBS News

Two other municipal police officers who heard the call for back-up attempted to climb onto the roof. Butler County Sheriff Michael Sloupe told CBS Pittsburgh station KDKA that an armed municipal officer with Butler Township was hoisted by another officer onto the roof of the building where the gunman had taken a position. Crooks focused his rifle towards the officer who ultimately let go, falling off the roof. Moments later, the shooter began firing into the crowd.

Cop 1: Hey, give me a boost.
Cop 2: Sure, here you go.
Cop 1: Uh, nm… ouch.

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His stupid riffing routine was far too important to interrupt

Trump and Vance actually have an opportunity to outflank the Dems and may already be in the process of doing it. Some pro-union, pro-worker populism would absolute take a bite out of the Dems and would be very politically smart. The Dems offer very little to anyone and have been taking their voters for granted for the last decade at least (What are you going to do vote for the Orange Guy?) and are extremely vulnerable to any politician that actually starts offering anything of substance to the common man.

Trump is probably too stupid to do that. Definitely too stupid to execute on it. But it was one thought racing through my brain today. If the GOP moves left economically the Dems are truly sunk.


I hope the FBI looks at all the directories on his phone and computer. I usually keep my secret motive files in a folder called something like “BempxTmpScripts” or something like that.


I maintain that “Build the Wall and Medicare for All” would be a killer slogan and the GOP could coast to victory on it.


If Trump ran on M4A as a main leg of his platform I would legitimately think about supporting him. It’s that big of an issue and the Dems are too beholden to their donors and/or too chickenshit to do it.



Agree on the Dems. I wouldn’t be confident in the GOP actually doing it, though, even if it was part of their platform–unless it comes attached with a fuckton of poison pills like no gender affirming care, no abortion anywhere, some sort of built-in grift angle so that money still gets pushed towards donors, etc.

If we could gaze into a crystal ball and have 100% confidence that it’s legit M4A/NHS/universal/whatever, it does become an interesting proposition.

No doubt. It’s more of a thought experiment than anything because it will never happen.


No conservative politician will ever run on “universal” anything or run on anything that’s going to net better than what we have now. Donald Trump’s big breakthrough into the mainstream was to promise not to cut the few programs designed to cater to the most hardcore Republican constituency.


What sort of “economic populism” is the Trump administration going to follow through on? Big tariffs and mass deportations?


Of course Trump and Vance will find ways to run to the right economically. Only absolute morons would vote for them thinking they will act on that nonsense.