Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

oh yeah definitely… that’s not even a conspiracy that’s just capitalism.

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I don’t mean msnbc, that the rally goers are shocked that something like this would happen and can’t believe people are this divided, like I just can’t

can’t blow this opportunity with some random dumb statement from a staffer. gotta max it out.

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I know. The media interviewing these nazis right now are in on it.

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[Trump survives assassination attempt]

“Oh my God, democracy is dead, Trump is Superman, help me sleep tonight, WAAF, AARRGGGHHHH…”

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i mean, they are standing around at an outdoor trump rally in blistering heat/sun with no infrastructure to support it. these are some of the dumbest most gullible people in the country. they 100% dont think that the trump “lock her up” chants were divisive in any way.

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speaking of people that had the greatest day of their lives today… haberman gotta be up there.

I assume we’ll get a trump speech tonight. Probably his highest televised ever.


see that’s way better than hit by a stray piece of glass. that’s the kind of shit they wanted locked down so it doesn’t get out until he can say he got hit by a bullet.

secret service telling reporters it was glass fucks up his play.


Trump will return to the campaign scene sporting a MAGA earring.

Came across this on Facebook. Seems appropriate even though posted several days ago


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He wouldn’t live if I were behind it.


OK there are other ways to see Cuba.

He missed from 250 feet? FFS

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