Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Working a comedy show tonight. Female comedian, pretty red county.

  • The comedian makes a joke about today, gets laughs.
  • The comedian makes a joke about today, gets boos
  • The comedian doesn’t make a joke about today
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Called it exactly.

Ill report back at the end of the night

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League of fascists, assemble!

you would for sure win the trolley problem speed round of the competition but it takes my brain a couple days to catch up; not quite ready to live in the American Troubles yet no matter how many years we’ve been bracing for it

We need to call for guns to be freely allowed in to Trump rallies so that more Good Guys With Guns can take care of this sort of situation.


Is there a non-zero chance this wasn’t an assassination attempt? Some random other shooting gone wrong?

I go ahead and say no.


Keep doing it until they ban guns.

No number of dead politicians would lead to this.

Even if it somehow magically was it doesn’t matter.

the fastest and surest way for biden to be forced to step down is if his teleprompter malfunctions during tonight’s statement. Pull that plug! Pull that plug!

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Er isn’t his best bet to be shot?


Fox saying a bullet hit the telemproter and thats what cut his ear


MSNBC interviewing trumpers at rally and they keep talking about how they can’t believe things are so divisive and violent…


The media is 100% in on it.

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Trump’s campaign is in a “complete communications lockdown,” according to a message sent to staff by James Blair, the political director for the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee.

“Everything is OK,” Blair wrote. “We have no details to share at this time but will follow up soon with more information.”

“Anyone who speaks with the press, even on background or off the record, will be found and terminated immediately,” Blair wrote, according to two people who received the message and shared it with NBC News. “Refrain from commenting, speculating, posting on social media, etc. Complete and total lockdown.”

Blair went on to say to all staff, “your personal safety is of the utmost importance. Please exercise extreme caution during this time.”

“Pray, remain vigilant, and be strong,” he concluded. “We WILL Make America Great Again.”