Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I couldn’t tell what level you were on either. Yeah, it’s definitely a lot easier to post about stuff and vote blue than to protest, obstruct, try to consume more ethically, or cut your own carbon footprint.


I already have one foot out of the door. I’m not going nuts protesting. If they want Trump, they get what they deserve. America isn’t a country, it’s just a business.

There were protests, and they arguably contributed to raising money for the court cases, but what happened iirc was an appeals court ruled it unconstitutional, the SCOTUS later said ‘nope, it is constitutional’, and later Biden undid the executive order. Possibly what the protests really did to undo the Muslim Ban was help Biden win the election.

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Once? I was arrested at a protest once. Am I tied for the lead?

People always lecture protestors about having vague goals, but ‘cops not murdering people in custody’ or ‘defund cops’ or ‘stop sending weapons to Israel’ may not have the specific laws and regulations written up, but they are pretty well defined and actionable. I think it is pretty hard to organize around “the make up of the court sucks” and “woah, that was a terrible string of decisions” and then “let’s protest the appointed for life people who have no reason at all to listen”.


It was easy to figure out who to organize in those cases. Factory working people 60hrs a week? Organize the workers to shut it down.

Organize a general strike to demand undoing the Presidential immunity decision? That just can’t happen. Organize SCOTUS workers? Cops? Lawyers? Politicians?

I understand the sentiment, but it’s mistaken. I’m spending some time in Dallas right now. A lot of areas are pretty diverse. Many of these people don’t want Trump or Abbot or Cruz, and they can’t really be said to deserve the policies that these jerks enact. It’s like that all over.

In that wanting it does nothing? Maybe. But not voting isn’t the same as voting for Trump and doing nothing is not the same as being a fascist. Demanding people join your team or be branded as fascists or enabling fascists or otherwise being ‘on the other team’? That’s fascist.

Weren’t those just polls and not votes?

Trumpism remains immensely unpopular across the country. We just don’t have an opposition party that can mount anything like a credible alternative.

Another problem with the world. People use excuses like what country they are in to not help fight injustice around the world.


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I love Ted Lieu


“An incapacitated moron like Joe Biden…”

In an alternate reality, Trump is just a top-rated late night comedy show host, harmlessly but hilariously roasting the crap out of everyone from both parties.

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He doesn’t have the skill to be a late night TV host. He has the instincts to be an excellent catty host of a B rated celebrity drama show like TMC or Extra! though

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That’ll work too. Anything to keep him out of the White House.