Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!


this all started when obama roasted him at that white house correspondents dinner and pre-empted The Apprentice to announce that bin laden got got. One of those two things doesnā€™t happen and Trump never comes down that escalator.

Not sure if I can make it all the way through this. Just going to take her at her word and renew my call for powerful old men to leave young women alone. Of course much worse that she was so far underage.

You didnā€™t pay. Youā€™re delinquent. No I wonā€™t share info with you.

If you want intel, you need to deal with the boss directly


Have you been reading my diary?

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Have you been reading my diary?


West coast Alan Grayson!

Proud non-reader

Every single handwringing ā€œBidenā€™s old omg!ā€ lament needs to be responded with, ā€œTrump is a rapist.ā€

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These guys just made the list.

Just heard from Great Congressman Andrew Clyde of Georgia that the Amendment to Defund the Prosecution of a Presidential Candidate prior to Novemberā€™s Election did not pass, 26-25 - It lost by only one vote, because one Republican, Mike Simpson of Idaho, stupidly voted NO, and two ā€œRepublicans,ā€ David Valadao of California and Dan Newhouse of Washington, the only two remaining Impeachers in the House of President Donald J. Trump, didnā€™t show up to vote. They must have had more important things to do. Also, Mike Garcia of California, David Joyce of Ohio, and Juan Ciscomani of Arizona, didnā€™t show up to vote. Thanks very much, fellas, for your great support!

Donald Trump Truth Social 10:12 PM EST 07/12/24

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Remember when we thought Trump was actually going to receive a sentence last Thursday? Those were good times.




The man was actually shot.

Saw it on Twitter first and assumed it was a deep fake.

the woman in the crowd screaming her lungs out is really helping

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Seems like heā€™s fine. Fortunately or unfortunately.

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Looks like he got hit in the ear.

Itā€™s Donald Trump so of course heā€™ll survive.