Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Unreal seeing the entire thread agree that doing nothing is the strategy.

And we are the top 0.0001% politically engaged.

There really is zero hope. It’s truly time to totally give up.

I’m not American. lol.

Literally no one here is saying this.

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Ok what am I missing. What post did I miss about action being taken.

As far as I can tell doing nothing is also the strategy for stopping the fascist government that’s going to be elected by the end of 2025 in Canada so at least we’re not alone down here.

This is a really bad analogy. Poilivere is awful but he isn’t an actual fascist like trump.

I also spend 1-2 days a week working for the provinces and federal NDP.

But really even if you are right it’s hardly a good reason to do nothing down there.

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That’s what they said about GWB but he sure did pave the way for our boy DJT.

Nah, GWB was pretty straightforwardly a fascist and was called one at the time.

Don’t get me wrong. We are on the same path as you just several years behind and we have several extra gates to prevent fascism you don’t have, most notably more than two parties and no religious devotion to our constitution of Supreme Court.

Pierre is a bog standard right winger by most standards, with a small dose of MAGA mixed in.

I mean, I remember hearing him called a fascist but only on the fringes. I don’t remember it being a mainstream opinion at the time but it was a while ago and I’m probably just not recalling it.

There wasn’t much mainstrem dissent after 9/11, but people on the left pretty correctly identified W as a fascist, I remember plenty of Hitler and 1984 comparisons, esp after the Patriot Act.

LOL at Canadians getting a sad because Americans aren’t organizing huge protests against SCOTUS.


While this is true, mass protests bring needed attention to a cause. I feel like most Americans are oblivious to the perils of what’s really going on in their country

Not seeing a post about specific action is the same as “the entire thread agreeing that doing nothing is the strategy”?

that’s not what happened, they have a multi-round system.

It’s a rational response when the Dems have no intention of ever being a vehicle to change anything. They had the power to stop all of this and decided not to. The court could have been expanded for years and they didnt do it because norms are more important than democracy to Manchin, Sinema and probably a couple dozen other less outspoken Dems. Even if everyone was on board Biden isn’t for it so it’s moot.

I personally wish their was widespread protesting but i understand why their isn’t.

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lol that’s exactly what is said.

Right. She still wants people rounded up and thrown into a pit.

You take it one way but I would expect her lot to be disinterested in the arts. I’m surprised to find out the kids were so enthralled in freestyle interpretive dance.


The resistance isn’t going to reinstate the CAFE standard (or a thousand other things like that) unless it grows by a couple orders of magnitude.

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