Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Just protest harder until John Roberts has a crisis of conscience

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Historically it has been successful and many of the best changes have been the result of it. I guess my cynicism today stems from the fact I see no clear path from protesting to actual change in 2024. The SC is gone for life. The GOP is likely to crush the election and even if the Dems eek out a close win they also will block a lot of progressive legislation. In some magical world where the Dems actually do pass sweeping change the SC will just kill it anyways. So whatā€™s the point?

Iā€™m willing to concede you know more about this subject than me though.

Thatā€™s about what MLKā€™s approval rating was. Thatā€™s about what the IWWā€™s was in the early 20th century.

The approval rating isnā€™t the point. The organizing gets results. Direct action gets the goods. You canā€™t do mass direct action without organizing and mutual aid.

It was really difficult watching people pretend they could evaluate whether campus protests of Israel/Palestine were worth it. Were they changing opinion. What was the optics. The optics are not the fucking point. But people whose entire life revolves around reading about politics and posting about politics are completely uneducated on what politics even is, because thatā€™s the hegemony we are up against.


Oh Iā€™m 100% willing to admit my ignorance on this topic. Iā€™m more just sharing my own observations/feelings rather than trying to say how it is. Iā€™m wrong about all kinds of things all the time.

I also can admit i have very limited experience protesting unless you count picketting abortion clinics with my parents when i was 10 years old. Went to one protest for LGBTQ rights here at the capitol building and one GF protest. Outside of that I can admit I havenā€™t done anything in the real world to change anything.

I would absolutely take time off work and travel to protest these recent SC decisions. But I have no idea how to begin organizing what I feel should be about a couple hundred thousand people minimum

A protest imo has to be big enough and organized enough to scare those making the decisions. They need to fear us, not the other way around

Why stop there?

We are not France.

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I donā€™t think you burned buildings down, no.

None of that resistance stopped any of this from happening. Democracy was lost with Citizens United, if not earlier. Sending lawyers to airports to fight the Muslim ban was like taking aspirin to deal with a brain tumor. Iā€™m sure it felt good, but it didnā€™t actually deal with the problem that a sizeable portion of our population wants fascism.

My point is wanting it and and doing nothing to stop it are essentially the same thing. So that appears to be everyone.

Itā€™s hard to find the will for collective action when the political party that supposedly represents you, which has ACTUAL POWER, does jack shit. Thereā€™s no leadership.


not sure where this ā€œno scotus protestsā€ thing is coming from

there were absolutely, did yall forget all of the handwringing from conservatives??? people went to Kavā€™s HOUSE.

Thatā€™s a stupid point. Realizing it canā€™t be stopped by putting on a knitted vagina hat and screaming that Donald Trump is a racist to in front of my local courthouse or screaming about how capitalism is evil and the police should be abolished at people who havenā€™t spent 10 minutes of their lives thinking about systemic injustice doesnā€™t mean you want fascism.

There are endless examples of protest working including last fucking week in France.

Even the guy on here who takes pride in talking about how people arenā€™t doing anything and his one time getting arrested for his activism quickly denies that heā€™d be willing to burn down buildings to stop whatā€™s coming.


the thing that ā€œworkedā€ in france last week was VOTING, not protesting

protests have definitely worked in France recently, but this wasnā€™t an example of it


This is just objectively wrong.

A couple weeks ago voting resulted in la pen winning. This weekend she got third.

Part of that was public outcry and protest forcing a change in the group running.

Iā€™ve been talking to friends and family on how we all take a 40 hour work week for granted.

Not enough gets talked about the police/fbi murdering organizers who fought for these things.

Clovis and Bruce converging on burning building downs is amazing.

Granted, they are just the idea guys, they wonā€™t be participating


the protests werenā€™t that publicized and i doubt they made any difference, most people participating would have been from places where the left (or sometimes center) won easily.

what changed in these two weeks was simply the voting round and the fact that RN were against a single left or centrist opponent. They still got a lot more votes than the other forces (again, because their opponents dropped out in many places) and not much less than in the first round (the difference probably only from places where they had already won)

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