Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Are you telling me that when democracy is ending and the federal government is being abolished, posters on this website won’t do anything about it?

Like I said, I never know what level you’re on.

This board has repeatedly stated that their top priority is preserving democracy. Seems like they’d resist a POTUS who’s destroying democracy. If you think they won’t, then I think you’d have to say they don’t really care as much as they insist. Maybe it’s just something they use to harshly judge other people, but not themselves. I dunno. I’m just spitballing here

If they fail, they’re just going to run away to another country, like Yoda except to a place that has WiFi.

Ok, sure, when everyone said “kids in cages” was the red line that should force every moral person to vote against Trump, they didn’t do anything to resist the increase of kids in cages during the biden administration. But this is different. This is democracy. These people will do something to resist. Because they know that you’re a maladjusted, morally bankrupt MAGA person if you just sit back and let it happen

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I’ll go ahead and take this part at face value.

I thought the resisting you were referring to was the rank and file career government bureaucrats refusing to do the worst of what Trump wanted. Or the generals and close staff ignoring the more idiotic and illegal of his orders. Stuff like that. Can’t speak for anyone else, but that is the kind of resisting I thought you were looking for and that’s what they’re prepared to overcome now.

Relying people to actually get up off of their couches isn’t going to amount to much. I don’t really recall who was anticipating that happening, but anyone who thought that was going to happen to a meaningful extent deserves all the SSCs.

I mean I took this detour to explain I think people here don’t care half as much as they insist, but I’ve made like ten posts the past couple months explaining the multipronged resistance from institutions, groups, and individuals. Institutions inside the government, outside the government, the corporate media, the indie media, etc

OK, I guess we’re mostly on the same page then.

I think this was our best defense and Project 2025 has a pretty good game plan to defeat it this time around.

But even if we don’t focus on that part of the resistance and consider it all, here is the fundamental problem. Yes, the resistance has had years to prepare and has one term of experience. But the bad guys also have the same years to prepare and the experience. The difference is that the resistance was mostly competent the last time around, so their room for improvement is less.

The bad guys were bumbling idiots. With four years to prepare their gains will be greater in a relative sense, thus they will be much more effective than they were in Orange Man’s first term.

Overall I’m just fascinated by the same people who used to applaud my organizing work back when I shared a few stories and details, saying they can’t do the same for whatever reasons, now saying I’m a horrible person while they’re a good person, all because of voting. When they cannot refute me saying a single vote has exactly 0 influence over an election, much less influence beyond an election.

I never said anyone was a bad person for not doing any kind of work beyond voting. I even tried to start discussions over whether I was making a mistake to do outside work, or not at least do less work. But they’re certain, now, that I have ALWAYS been a bad person. They’ve said this and received zero pushback AFAICT


I notice it outside the board and outside anything political, too. People want to be certain that everyone else is either good or bad. And it’s a really fragile thing. Know someone for a long time. One thing changes or you discover one thing, bam, permanent “fuck that person, they’re shitty”

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lol there has been literally zero protests of SCOTUS .

There will be zero resistance as project 2025 is enacted. Zero. There will be strongly worded letters and “funny jokes” makes on amicus and 5-4 podcast.

I seriously doubt anyone truly believes that you’re a bad person. True there is a lot of shitposting that goes on and stuff gets said, but I don’t think anyone really thinks that. I guess I could be wrong. It’s pretty clear that you aren’t supportive of all the MAGA shit. But if you say you’re voting for Trump, I think the worst someone could think of you is that you are misguided.

Misguided is a kind of bad, but not “bad person” kind of bad.

In a biden administration

There were definitely protests of Dobbs. Ineffective and short-lived? Sure. But they did happen.

You sound like the consequences crowd. Dare I say you sound like iron.

Why is this surprising? The vast majority of people aren’t going to burn buildings down over something the S Ct wrote. We have too much to lose.

I had meant to follow up on not meaning to call you a low info voter. I basically moved within a post from responding to you as an individual to taking out my grievances on groups, without much indication of doing so

And then I had more specific questions for you about criteria of good or bad person, but I’ve kinda forgotten them

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What is the consequences crowd?

The “next time it will be different crowd”. Like iron. Who think somehow the past decade has not been indicative at all of the next 4 years.

There has to be at least 25 times over the years that people have gone to this and then stopped responding when I enumerated double digit other ways to resist