Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

This testimony that Trump raped a 13-year-old at an orgy at Epstein’s house keeps coming up again in low-info liberal circles on social media, and now one of my friends is texting me, pissed that I’m not more pissed about it. I showed him this was from a dismissed 2016 case, not any new Epstein files.

Was there any evidence submitted other than her testimony? Seems weird how the case just instantly disappeared. Like either she was threatened, or maybe she wasn’t credible. Does anyone remember anything more than what’s in the Newsweek story?

Ok here’s a lot more reading:

I was wondering the same. It’s been all over Twitter lately. I assumed there was a good reason for “WHY IS THE MEDIA SILENT ON THIS?”

Make $en&e now $uzzer?


That’s what some tweets say. Stormy said she was threatened and felt her life was endangered. So it’s certainly believable but afaik there’s no concrete evidence. It’s a thing again because more Epstein documentation came out, I guess. I have my doubts it amounts to anything as far as eroding Trump support. I mean, maybe, but everybody already knows he’s scum.

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Well if anyone should know, it would be this guy.

Yep. Those same people will insist the only time a rich man faces a rape allegation is when the victim wants money.

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OK but Hitler was also bad for people other than Jewish people

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I like multiples of 81.

But seriously, the resistance against Trump is the reason his Presidency is less scary to me

Everybody knows about the project, so it shouldn’t be something we’re unprepared to resist

Crediting SCOTUS with 0 credit to the Cheney gang, fuck what were they called, tip of my tongue, is ahistorical because it just omits everything the GOP did

They were physically doing stuff in Florida

That stuff happens every election, though. There are always lawsuits filed by political candidates to try to influence the outcome of the election. It was the Supreme Court that seized the opportunity and handed the election to Bush, not Cheney. Cheney didn’t do anything unusual to get credit for stealing an election.

The whole point of the project is to defeat the resistance. There was nothing organized to resist the last time around so resistance was easier then. It will be harder now and probably less successful. And they’ve had years to plan exactly what to do. No one was really ready last time as no one thought he was actually going to win.

I haven’t looked closely at the project, but is their plan to just clean house at a place like the EPA then try to replace all the scientists with random people who signed up at political rallies?

Pretty sure the EPA just won’t exist anymore

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Anyone remember an eternity of news cycles ago when Trump became a convicted felon and this time for sure “we got him”?


Nah, this time people will show up in the resistance. They’re not worried about catching covid this time around

I remember saying the conviction would lead to a landslide election win for Biden. Feeling extremely naive now.

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Don’t feel bad. Half the board was like “you don’t get it. Normies won’t vote for a felon. Normies aren’t aware he’s on trial, but will be aware of convictions”

