Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Just remember they’re nothing more than politicians in robes and you’ll never be surprised by them.


He was president when he stole the documents so ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Obstruction of what. He’s allowed to have the boxes because he stole them when he was the president. Sorry

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Yes dude. We could. All of this was easy to see. Trump has never faced and will never face consequences


Early '23

big we got him energy


I am completely certain that if you spend some time with the search function, you can find plenty of posts directly proving your BS call to be wrong

You have admitted that your posting style is mostly to not read the majority of the posts before and after yours, and you weren’t even posting at all anyway for the vast majority of time over the years that people were talking about Trump facing no real consequences

The forum as a whole likes to ignore the posts they’re arguing against, substituting whatever they’d prefer to argue with, but you take it to a whole nother level

I’ve read enough posts contrary to my position that I’m way up in my small wagers here and much larger ones elsewhere. It’s easy to be right when you’re all in on doom and gloom. Eventually, you’re bound to be right about something

I’ll say it one more time… There was absolutely no logical way to know that SCOTUS would go completely rogue, that Trump would be assigned the one FL judge who would be so transparently in the bag for him, and that the GA prosecutor would get caught up in a scandel. If you say you had that trifecta pegged, you’re a liar. And he still might not be saved if he loses the election

I debunked this terrible stats/probability logic of yours like 3 times already, lmao

Lol what are you talking about? Nobody needed to nail that trifecta. You just need to keep assuming nothing will happen to Trump and you will be right while the We Got Him crowd continues to be wrong. Nothing ever happens to Trump. The end.


Invite him to hunt quail, Dick.



This guy literally stole an election, something trump has never done.

I wouldn’t credit Cheney for that. It was the S Ct.


I mean by that token trump is the least threatening person to democracy of all time. He’s far far too fat and lazy to do anything himself.

He should have ended with: And believe me, I know a thing or two about stealing elections.

That’s why I’m voting for him

This is past overly simplistic, to the point it’s almost ahistorical by omission

This statement doesn’t make any sense.

No fear of Project 2025?

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