Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Probably that he decided to sell state secrets after his presidency while president so it’s all good

ez, since it was an official act then it can’t even be legitimately investigated, therefore obstructing the investigation isn’t illegal

Firing the AG investigating him is of course an official act, ez game.


You finally got there! It only took like 3 yrs.


Ok fair enough. But none of you could’ve possibly imagined the SC going this rogue and far out of their way to aid and abet Trump’s crimes. And if you say you did, I call BS. Basically, many turned out to be right for the wrong reasons

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He appointed three of them and two are RWNJs. How surprising is it really?

Roberts just going along every step of the way? Yeah, that was a bit of a surprise to me, but I think even more cynical people than me might have seen that coming as well.

Ehhh everyone told you the courts were useless

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We all just got lucky. Again.


My dude I have talked many times(as have many others) about the courts being a dead end because of all of the Trump judges from the SC on down. All you have to do is keep appealing until you get to the Trump judges, which you always will bc of the SC, and you can’t lose.

No, we all pretty much knew exactly this would happen when Mitch stole the seat way back in 2015.

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You are all better people than I. The courts (including conservative courts, in which he appointed some of the judges) turned him down like 61 out of 62 times. I believe even the SC shut him down

So for all of you to predict that it would somehow change when it came to this, is some world class prognosticating. Much more likely is that some very consistent and relentless doomsayers finally found themselves correct when a). A lone rogue judge got appointed to the documents case, and b). the SC bucked 248 years of precedent to help one man

Oh and c). The lead prosecutor in GA found herself in a relationship scandel that I’m sure you all saw coming as well

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You are conflating election case decisions with criminal case decisions. Only some of the election cases were decided on the merits and in many cases dismissed for procedural or standing issues. Not many went to the SC. Keep in mind these cases were many orders of magnitude more absurd than the arguments made in the immunity case.

The SC didn’t help Trump openly steal the election(YET). Expecting them to find reasons why Trump shouldn’t be jailed or prosecuted is a totally different thing.

Or maybe its slowly (but faster for some) dawning on us how pathetic this all is and the only thing that really matters is keeping rich old arseholes rich old arseholes (always was jpeg)


Climate change is the x factor here. The internet also.

The move to singularity is occurring across all areas of existence.

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I won my bet and I’m going to win the other one (Biden gets impeached), I’m going to keep spiking the football.

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Iron as he is being dragged off to the Gulag:

“Haha, fuck you guys, check out my winnings!”


You bet that Biden was going to get impeached? When?

He wrote Citizens United and Shelby County. My imagination is limitless as far as how deep in the tank Roberts can go or how much he’ll twist himself in knots to get there.

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