Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

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Of course there’s no choice when the alternative is Trump, but I feel it’s important to make clear that I do NOT support Biden

Not sure how we are supposed to find our voice and let the establishment know they can’t keep putting up shitty candidates while saying, you better vote, cuz look at the other guy… Fuck you!

It’s maddening, as if they’re forcing us into this game of chicken just daring us not to vote or else. Our arguing centers around the fact that if/when Biden loses, she’ll blame the voters and that enrages me. It’s NOT the voters! We elect Dem politicians and they don’t do their jobs. Where’s Durbin who should’ve started impeachment proceedings on Thomas months ago? Everything we’re going through right now is the fault of Democratic party politicians. Yet my friend will say well ya gotta vote. WE DO VOTE! We’ve been voting! Fuck you


I agree. I hope you can find a way to not let it piss you off as much.


The problem with this piece in particular is that often “risking their own capital” means “risking the capital they were gifted from their rich mommy or daddy.”

If we don’t all have fair access to initial capital, why should those willing to risk capital they have more access to be worthy of greater reward than the person who never had the opportunity to get that capital to begin with?


I agree with this as well. I think there should be limits on inheritance to prevent generational wealth. I understand if you did well and want to make sure your kids are taken care of. Whoever started Mars candy may have been a hard working genius. But should his great grandkids be billionaires? Hard no if you ask me

In fact, I don’t think anyone should even be a billionaire. You’ll never convince me that it’s possible for someone to be that much smarter or harder working than the average joe to deserve that kind of astronomical wealth

hilarious that those justice dept officials think they’ll still be justice dept officials on jan 21st if trump wins

I still get a chuckle out of Koch’s kid that had access to unimaginable inherited wealth and opportunity to make the world a better place, and he came up with “luxury Hawaiian shirts”.

From the better days of Deadspin:



Why not concha?

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I’ve never heard that used except in the literal sense. I guess I grew up sheltered.

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Wait a minute. Did he actually use quotation marks correctly?

i think the period goes outside of the quotation marks when he says he blamed it on a “cold.” because he’s concluding his own sentence

Gotta admit I don’t know all the grammar.

I have to admit he makes a lot of good points.

Laffin’ Kamala Harris fuck yeah

She laughs alot doesn’t she folks

It’s a regular laff in

Also, it’s still unclear whether or not there is footage of Trump ever organically laughing at all.