Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Next time I’ll try to make my sarcasm more obvious for you

To be totally clear, I don’t think this is a particularly great community or a particularly progressive community. It’s just an internet site where we can vent about politics with relatively like-minded people, including touching on sensitive topics with an implied level of safety. The only times I ever see Chesspain in a conversation, he starts off with vague insults and usually progresses to targeted, personal attacks when anyone pushes back. It’s toxic and provides no value whatsoever.

If we’re going to be the type of community that bans people, which we’ve already decided we are after kicking out a dozen or so regulars (most for lesser crimes) which he cheerleaded, I don’t see why we allow him to turd up every thread he enters. I’m tired of it.

I want people like Wichita to feel comfortable sharing their experiences. It’s valuable to me and others to read them and is hopefully valuable to the posters that share that information to receive advice and support. Chesspain needs to stop using that as fuel for personal feuds.


Very good thing. It’s just keeping me from getting in the right head space. I’m sure the second I pick them up at the airport all be ok.

They are 5 and 8. The 5 year old is going on 5. The 8 year old is going on 50. My son says he is raising “me”. I think he’s raising my Dad.

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lol cactus

Ah well. Nevertheless.


LOL LAW, lol consequences, warp speed! Etc



Just use the ignore button for obnoxious posters. Erase their existence from your feed, and resume your happy life. No need to waste your energy on negative people.


I’m learning that there’s a huge difference between liberals and leftists. I’ve been getting into some pretty heated arguments with a liberal friend ever since the debate

It’s just non stop don’t let perfect be the enemy, vote blue no matter who, orange man worse than Biden until I wanna puke


Are you a leftist?

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Yes. At least I think so. I’ve been meaning to take one of those tests again that identifies your political ideology. If anyone knows a good one please link it

Edit: The only areas I part with leftists are 1. Guns (or the right to self defense), and 2. I’m still of the belief that capitalism can work if it’s a fair system (but I could be wrong and all forms of capitalism lead to oligarchies). What we have now in the US is so corrupt and far gone that it’s irreparable imo

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Oh, well good to know

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I generally draw the line between leftists and liberals as leftists being anti-capitalist and liberals being more tolerant of capitalism over a spectrum ranging from well-regulated, managed capitalism to a more free-market approach.

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I think you should vote and you should vote for whichever major party candidate you would put first if forced to rank everyone if we had IRV. I leave it up to you to use your own judgement, but I am always open to helping ensure you are basing your judgement on an accurate understanding of the facts.

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I’m completely ready to accept socialism (Democratic socialist?). My main concern is that we have a fair system and equality. I have no problem with someone making more money if they’re more skilled, work harder, risk their own capital, etc. But I also feel if you work full time, you should be paid enough to have a roof over your head, food, and healthcare

I’ll look for one of those tests


This is fine


I think they’re saying they believe they can succeed so long as the left allows it to be bloodless.

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Not sure if serious but no that’s not what he means

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Right wingers with guns say “the government will get my guns when they pry them from my cold dead hands”. Leftists with guns keep quiet, because if they did said that, the government would say “sounds good”.


What other stance is there to take this election besides voting blue no matter who? I would rather a talking remote control be president than Trump. If there was a better choice I would take it but there isn’t and it is very unlikely there is going to be a better choice. What does constantly whinging about what a shit sandwich we’re going to have to eat get us? Nothing but arguments and depression.