Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Someone send this man his complimentary UP membership.

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Despite what I said before, I see he was married to Kathryn Harrold so that’s multiple points in the plus column. And now I want to rewatch Into the Night.


You kind of had to be there. Was sort of an early version of Kathleen Turner or Kelly McGillis. Did a lot of TV starting in the 70s. Was on Rockford Files.



The world continues to spin, you’re about to see family, and your money still has value.

Limit your exposure to the threads that contain the more cartoonish nihilists.


Imagine being in the consequences crowd today. lol.


Ahh yes the problem is the people who have accepted reality, not the people who continue to lie and gaslight everyone they can that it isn’t happening to protect their own fragile psyches. Good point.

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How bad is your headache right now?

“Therapist” takes shots at recovering alcoholic. What a zinger.

I’m honestly not convinced you even know what nihilism is tbh. No one here thinks life is meaningless clown.

Someone who has spent his entire adult life trying to avoid facing his own “fragile psyche” should have more sense than to come out blasting at someone who wasn’t even talking to you or about you.

Who was it who got permabanned for exactly that? Raids I guess?

I have no idea what you’re taking about. I never once mentioned his heavy drinking.

My point is the crowd here who has been telling us it isn’t that bad, calm down, Biden isn’t senile (HOW DARE YOU), etc. have been wrong every step of the way. The fact this same group of people still can’t accept reality is wild to me. Why else would you act like you are the adult in the room while consistently burying your head in the sand?

So why were you asking about my headache. I mean I’m an adult so I really don’t get my feelings hurt by some miserable boomer on the internet. I never asked for RAIDS to be banned and certainly am not asking for you to be banned but why lie about even that?

Just stop.

Is the sons family coming a good or bad thing?

What a great, progressive community we’ve fostered here where a poster can be open and honest about challenges in their life and those challenges get thrown back at them as insults, by a “therapist” no less. I guess ethics stop as soon as you’re able to hide behind an anonymous screen name.

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Some day you’ll get sit at the grown-up table.

huh, we’re still doing these posts.

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That’s at least the second time you’ve made a post like that directed at me when I’ve called you out for being an asshole, and I’m honestly not sure what the point of it is. Is it supposed to be an insult? There are several adults here capable of having actual conversations, and you are one of the few who just aren’t up to that task.