Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

The best troll I’ve seen is conservative law bros saying “Supreme Court announces Donald Trump can’t prosecute Biden” which by the barest minimum is true.


Inb4 his justice department immediately charges Biden and ScOTUS upholds 6-3.

Nobody is this stupid. It’s just pure grift.

If Trump wins I’m going full grift this time and gonna find a way to make money off this bullshit if the world’s going to shit anyway


This guy is either an idiot or is payed to play one

I admit I’m confused. But even if there’s no logical inconsistency, there are still difficulties. Like as far as I know we don’t have either complete lists of official vs. unofficial acts or a clear way of determining the difference. This decision didn’t supply that and Chutkan can’t (or maybe she can :man_shrugging:) just say this act goes in the first bucket and this other act goes in the second based on feels.

So step one, Chutkan has to come up with a useful definition. Step two, she has to decide what acts in the indictments meet the definition. The SC has required proceedings, right? So, briefings? Testimony from witnesses? Starts to sound a little like a trial even if “trial before the trial” is coming from an idiot.

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I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about, but maybe someone else does… I read somewhere that she can hold a sort of pre trial trial with witnesses that would basically get all the facts out before election day even if the actual trial can’t go forward

Maybe my pony is late here.

I’m sure this is nothing but pure coincidence. But the CIA almost definitely has this staked out right? How could they not?

Yeah, that’s what Weissmann and Snell are talking about. Mary McCord (Weissmann’s podcast partner), for one, is doubtful. There has to be some process but I have no idea if we’d see any evidence that would otherwise not come out till trial.

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“A United Arab Emirates Air Force C-17 is also parked nearby today.”

Nothing to see here.

This discusses the issue, as well as the general clusterfuck of an opinion, in some detail. It mentions the evidentiary hearing issue in the last 15 minutes somewhere.

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Just give the guy his crown, robe, and keys to fort knox already. We’re all frogs in a boiling pot and it sure doesn’t look like there will be an uprising of any kind

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He wasn’t in office when these crimes happened fuck off

lol as if that matters. Ruling is 100% going to be “it started in office so immunity carries obviously”

I know :)

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Merchan will deny and Trump will appeal. The appeal will fail. Maybe he can go to Roberts after that, and who fucking knows what happens then but by then our fate will be decided anyway.

I can’t watch or read the news. I have my son’s family coming to visit. Just a complete feeling of hopelessness.
Trying not to dwell.


After listening to that I think the main reason I as a simple outsider am confused by this stuff is nobody fucking knows.

I see Lawrence O’Donnell is all-in on the evidentiary hearing so my credence that it will happen and matter is even lower now.