Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah



There are 34 counts. They are all related to falsifying records, but different records, some of which Trump is tied to more closely than others (directly signing checks for example). So, it is certainly possible to convict on some charges and hang (or acquit) on others, based on whether the jurors thought he was tied closely enough to that particular record. The prosecution could retry on hung charges, but, especially if they get convictions on others, I don’t think they will.

Aileen Cannon?

More like she needs to be shot out of a cannon!

More like Aileen very far to the right!

four absolute degens


Ok but what is the temperature?

The jury should troll everyone by deliberating for two months.


That would be pretty great. Keep him having to sit in the icebox everyday…that’s what they call it, they call it an icebox. It’s freezing in there, like an icebox…that’s why they call it that.


The world is holding its breath and everything depends on some shitty old router.

  • a hoard of reporters
  • a horde of reporters
0 voters

lol this can’t be real.

Can’t be bothered to find a better source rn but Newsweek

Judge Aileen Cannon announced on Wednesday that she wants briefs from Trump’s lawyers and from prosecutors on the May 16, 2024, decision in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America, Ltd.

In the case, the Supreme Court ruled that the appropriations clause of the U.S. constitution allows Congress to mandate that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau can be financed by the earnings of the Federal Reserve.


Absolute naked corruption

Red twizzlers ok, yuck anything else.

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Not sure if it is anything, but the prosecution team and Trump have both entered the courtroom.

Edit: Jury excused for the day.

Are you one of the four non media individuals in the court room?

cool hung jury then

LOL no just following various feeds.

Juror on the Weinstein case talking about how it took them 6 days to deliberate