Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

We’d best savor this, cuz it’s likely to be the most significant consequence he’ll face for his lifetime of criminality.

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I don’t think a tape would even move the needle, but without one, it’s definitely a complete nothing-burger.

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how many counts are there? Maybe this jury decided to go through them one by one.

It’s a little spooky that someone on the jury needs the idea of object permanence laid out for them, again.

Meh, they drank from a firehouse for a day and a half.

Ah well nevertheless

It might not have a noticable effect but at least it would force him to go out and say it was “plantation talk” (G. Conway) or claim it was fake or whatever.

Didn’t Omarosa imply that she had tapes of Trump N-bombs back when she got fired? It seemed pretty obvious she was bluffing at the time but I would imagine there is a really good chance such a tree exists somewhere (Rudy???)

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Someone needs to get Burnett by the shorthairs.

Are we sure that Trump dropping the N-bomb on camera wouldn’t help energize his base?


They are slow rolling. Guilty verdict on all counts is coming in around ~5:30pm EST imho.

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Writing a shocked story about Trump using the n-word is like writing a shocked story about Charlie Sheen sleeping around.


Probably 20% of white Americans think the n word is what separates racists from non racists.


Agree, but it seems like many people (especially English/Irish) really hate black licorice. Time for a poll:

  • Licorice is awesome.
  • Licorice is disgusting.
  • If it’s there, I’ll eat it.
0 voters
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CNN now issuing worthless fake-out updates

Trump is also facing 3 other criminal cases while running again for president

No shit! Let me know when there is a verdict, jury note, or Trump shits his diaper

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All sorts > Good and Plenty

Can I assume we’re talking about black licorice?

Are the red types even actually licorice?

How many counts? I guess a jury could return 19/20 guilty verdicts and one hung jury on the 20th correct? The prosecution can then choose whether to retry on the 20th?