Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

Hey now, I can’t be the oldest. I’m not even a boomer (by two weeks).

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Probably the outlier here but man I love Good n’ Plentys when I’m at a movie.

Far too many new posts about candy when we’re on verdict watch.


The pee tape isn’t in evidence is it?

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But not much is happening other than reading tea leaves. Trump has time to snack and casually workshop mean tweets.

I don’t see any specific mention of an available tape, just that these contestant discussions were taped in general.

I love survivor but hate Mark Burnett for sitting on all this shit.

Not that it would make any difference.

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There were rumors about this tape back in 2016 iirc

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Trump: Eric, don’t forget the snacks. King size, you got it? King size! And extra Milk Duds.

Ok the rain metaphor makes more sense now. Trump is soaked.

Rain metaphor must be part of the template instructions. Got the same instruction earlier this year.


Not the best metaphor. Could you not also infer that someone used the sprinklers overnight?

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Far too little

Ok, thats certainly better

The instructions also describe seeing people with umbrellas and raincoats, which I think is an important element not reflected in that tweet.

Edit: My pony doesn’t carry an umbrella.


I don’t put a lot of stock in this stuff but he does seem generally beat down the last couple of days.

Ehh, can’t get on board with this. Something about the texture detracts from the experience for me.

I just liked that I didn’t have to have them in my mouth as long and that you could eat a few at a time. Either works for me but I generally prefer those. Thinking about getting some now, thanks for the reminder.


Readback over (until jury asks for another one)

Probably a good idea

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