Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

I like milk duds. I may need to reevaluate my life.


In high school, my best friend’s movie candy of choice was Milk Duds. Mine was Spree. And they were $1 at the theater (no, I’m not as old as Danspartan).

Milk Duds are tasty, but if you’ve had dental work, you’d better just suck on them until they soften.

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Oh fuck yeah, Spree.

Its like somebody looked at a Sweet Tart and thought “how can we make this good?” and Spree was born.

Incredible candy.


The problem with milk duds is the problem with all major US candy. American companies use the absolute worst chocolate on earth. This means all US candy bars are worse than their international counterparts.

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Circus peanuts


Junior Mints is my go-to movie candy


This is the stone cold nuts of toffee candy.

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Dots are easily worse than Milk Duds. If there’s worse, the Tootsie Roll company is probably responsible for it.

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Dots cost me a $2,000 dental job once.

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Second this. Spree are fantastic.


gotta get on that federal jury payroll. im exempt from state jury duty, but got a call for federal. got called twice in the two month period, both criminal trials, i got struck both times pretty quickly. got 55 dollars for each time total time there was about an hour and a half.

Junior Mints are the massive outlier there, obviously. Andes also pretty good. Frozen Charleston Chew was a nice change of pace, but clearly the super-long one, not whatever is pictured.

Twizzlers/red vines

Chewy even better

I like Dots.


Dots my back up candy.

They are fine if you get them straight from the factory within minutes of them being made. As soon as they sit for a day, they become rocks.

That’s… socialism?

I feel like people are not considering the possibility that some jurors or juror are undecided. Instead we just assume everyone has a verdict locked in,