Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

Been saying this a while, that juror describes basically everyone in this forum, but people here are prone to bedwetting. So if course the guy is a maga hat wearing redneck.


Even if all 12 walked into that room and all agreed he was guilty they would still have asked for those details. Enough people on that jury that realize they will get scrutinised so now they can say they took their job very seriously.

Plus they get paid like $5 a day!

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Are MAGA guys ever reading Muller She Wrote? Juror #2 sounds like a terminal politics junkie like us.



The state stiffed me twice.

I don’t think we’re quite at this stage yet but :crossed_fingers:

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Johnny Utah always keeps his 5

if trump was ever ordered to prison i’m convinced the arresting officer would simply glitch out like robocop getting directive 4

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never been on a jury but was on call once, had to go in one day bc they thought it was on but the guy took a plea just as we got there.

anyway, obv didn’t go to work that day, next day my principal said that i had to sign over the $20 juror stipend to the school or they weren’t going to pay me for the day. dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. tried to tell him i used it for parking/lunch, his f’ing aspy ass asked to see receipts. told him to make it a sick day, he showed me an email he already had from HR saying i couldn’t use a sick day (and that if i didn’t hand over $20, i wouldn’t get paid for the day).

haven’t thought about that in years, but my god what a fucking dick.

edit: thinking about it, i (stupidly) texted him when we were released from the court house at 10am. can’t remember why i would do that, but i guess he was pissed that i said i wasn’t coming in and got HR involved.


It was Arizona. :person_shrugging:

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I had to do two days of voir dire and was paid in Covid.

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Snacks. Gotta have snacks while you’re waiting on a verdict. Never eat this crap myself any more but I do love a Snickers.


Who the f eats milk duds? Is there a worse candy?

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I remember them being kind of waxy. Also sticky to the point of gluing your jaw together if you tried to chew them. Trump should get a lifetime supply imo.

absolute WOAT

The candy right below it is worse

Whoppers are good if you just let them melt in your mouth. Chewing them is no good. Disconcerting texture.

whoppers are good. Toffee is delicious, even poor versions of it.

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