Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

It’s almost 420 there. You don’t want to interrupt that religious experience in their Nissan Altimas. This judge is fuckin on it.


I’m not ready to read into bad signs yet. Even slam dunk guilty votes understand the magnitude of this case and the scrutiny they will receive, and at least some probably want to be able to tell anybody who asks that they gave it a certain weight and thoroughness in deliberations.

Heck, the jury I was on earlier this year for a 1.5 day trial - and what was easily going to be a not guilty verdict - sent a note to the judge asking for certain evidence (I think it was the only physical piece of evidence entered into the record) to be reviewed again.

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If it’s gets to Saturday and no guilty verdict we are done

You might very well be right. All I’m saying is going back to the judge for clarification insinuates there is a disagreement about some part of the trial. Maybe it is two people who are both on team guilty and one of them just wants to be sure they understand things. But i think more often its people arguing guilt and they get down to some point of law and it gets superficially sent off to the judge.


Sounds like there’s a delay because both sides need to agree what part of the transcript gets read back to the jury. What a weird procedure. Why not just give the jury access to the entire transcript?

They should withhold food and water until a verdict is made if there’s only 1 or 2 hold outs.


Nah, if we were Real Men about this then we would throw one knife into the locked room and the last man standing decides the verdict. That would be common sense, but I guess we’re too “woke” for that now. Cowards.


Juror #2 obv is a MAGA plant. Rest of the crew trying to bang their head into a brick wall recounting testimony and jury instructions but lulz it doesn’t matter nothing matters except your own personal feelings and #2 is feeling EXONERATEY.

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Is that Mr. I get my news from Truth Social?

I think so, but I admit I’m just channeling my angst into contentless WAAF shrieks as a coping mechanism.

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I can’t find the summary I read yesterday, but I believe it is that he follows his Truths on Twitter (so do I, sort of), and also follows Michael Cohen on Twitter (this I don’t do).

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I think the major problem with #2 was that his ONLY source of news was Truthsocial and Twitter

It was never not gonna be a hung jury. Dodging a MAGA moron 12 times out of 12? We can’t even do that in this forum.


I am writing to you from the future with a guilty verdict.


Anyone know if the lawyers ended up as real jurors or alternates?

Because that would be exactly like taking notes.

The jurors in this case were allowed to keep notes. They just can’t share them with other jurors.

3 (maybe?) and 7 appear to be lawyers. I’m not sure if this accounts for the one that was replaced. CNN’s live updates LGR if a good summary last night of the juror but I can’t find it now.

Re: the supposed MAGA juror

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