Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

I doubt they would make them deliberate past Monday if they’re hung. The case isn’t worth it to go past that. They’ll probably make them go to the end of the day on Friday if they know they’re hung Friday morning, but i still don’t expect them to be more than one day past the weekend no matter what. I think if there’s a guilty verdict it will probably say verdict in today and read first thing tomorrow. No verdict today means you’re probably going to get either split verdicts (hung/guilty) like econophile said or straight hung.

Seems not good bob. Means there are 1+ holdouts arguing about that aspect of the evidence and people want the actual testimony to debate it.




This exact scenario played out in a wrongful death civil trial for the story I’m working on that should have been a lock for guilt on preponderance of the evidence. 4 jurors went outside of the courtroom testimony and evidence, pulled their own stuff legally, and one even relied on testimony that was stricken by the defense as false. They reopened closing arguments (very rare but not unprecedented) during which the defense attorney told them to steadfast in what they were doing (a hung jury was thought of as an impossibility based on the case presented).

One of the other issues was the 4 jurors were working under reasonable doubt and refused to consider preponderance of the evidence. It ended after several days of hopeless deliberation 8-4 in favor of guilt, when all it needed to be was 10-2. It was probably the gravest miscarriage of justice in that story but was also probably the single greatest victory of a career of good victories for the defense attorney.

They just put on this huge show for over three weeks and they’re just gonna say, f-it after three days of deliberation? If they get deep into next week then maybe.

Yes, cases that have gone on months don’t tend to go more than a week hung. They usually know on the third day if there’s a problem. They give them a few more days to work it out usually, but it’s always hung in that case.

They sure are asking for a lot of pecker. Maybe they aren’t as hung as we thought.


They wont let a hung jury go on forever. Nun is right about that. If we don’t have a verdict by lunch tomorrow an entrenched juror or three and a hung jury has to be a massive favorite.

Hopefully we see something late today. Ive done a few jury trials and seen a jury come back quickly. It’s 100% guilty if it does(assuming the case isn’t completely baseless which happens super rarely).

I feel like we may be past quickly, but I’ll optimistically give it until lunchtime tomorrow.

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Maybe they just want to annoy Trump and make him stay in the courthouse and come back to the courtroom a lot.

Wrong forum? But legitimately not sure whether this guy is dumb as shit or the GOAT


I saw it and lol’d then thought about trump and sad’d

I read somewhere like 1 day of deliberations for every week of testimony. Not sure how accurate that is

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Upthread I complained that you shouldn’t make a joke about someones name if it wasn’t original.

This. This is good tho.

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What exactly did she do that was worth imprisonment?

Ignore it, you can’t read juries, don’t bother trying. The red flags are there after the second day.

Second note to hear the judge’s instructions again.

I didn’t realize that getting a read back of testimony literally means sitting in the courtroom and hearing it read aloud. I always thought juries just get the transcript and review it, although I think this topic was covered yesterday here.

Also a bad sign. If we had 12 slam dunk guilty jury members why does that even matter.

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Jury dismissed for the day.