Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

Here’s what the judge would tell them


That’s up to them I guess. Coud become a war of attrition.

Guilty man goes free in both

the kid clearly murdered his father, but the jury invented new evidence in their room to let him go.

hey no spoilers


How different are the 34 counts? i.e., if they find unanimity on 1, do they have unanimity on the rest of the pretty much immediately, or are they different enough that they need to truly take time going one by one?

All of the counts are for first degree falsification of business records. There’s one count for each record. It’s possible they could find guilty for some records, like the ones he signed, and not others because they think evidence of intent differs. But they shouldn’t have to argue about each single count.


More likely than not he did, but also clearly was getting railroaded and had shit representation. Probably the best takeaway of that movie is the concept of what reasonable doubt is.

That said, from a legal standpoint, nothing that Fonda’s character did in that movie is remotely allowed during deliberation. Basically if neither side proved/disproved a fact in the courtroom, you can’t go adding your own evidence or extrapolating ad infinitum in the jury room to determine it yourself (bringing in a knife you bought around the corner to prove it’s not rare, doing experiments to decide the witnesses were too slow/blind to see what they said they did, etc.).

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Having been in this situation (foreperson), being able to acquit on some counts makes voting guilt on others acceptable to some.

Doesn’t make sense but it worked. Dude was clearly guilty.

CNN says a buzzer sounded in the courtroom. Not sure what that means.

Half time is over.


I’m going with jury has a question.

Start heating up the next round of pizza rolls


Hopefully verdict.

A quick verdict would be amazing. Trump cooked and MAGA in shambles. Hopefully sentencing is set off so we can have a month worth of news cycles about Trump the felon possibly going to prison(won’t happen). Might damage him a little electorally which is all we need.


Note from jury with 4 requests

If it’s for McDonald’s, we’re screwed.