Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

There’s lawyers on this jury and 48 counts to decide on, right? I have 0 law experience but I have to imagine theybat least spend 30 minutes per count? I voted Friday but that feels optimistic.

There are 34 counts but they might break them down into chunks in various ways, like the ones (11?) where he signed the checks himself. So when the verdict is announced, don’t panic if there are some not guilty announcements, at least until they get into double digits.

I know, that’s what I was saying lol.

Colorado case?


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Lol Trump

Rubio the lawyer misrepresenting the jury instructions. Man what a jackass

funny you should mention this. In Canada we’re not allowed to discuss what happened in deliberations…but you don’t know who I am and I’m not going to talk about the trial so no one can tell what trial I’m talking about.

End of day 2/ beginning of day 3 of deliberations we are at 7 guilty and 5 unsures(thought their doubts were reasonable) of first degree murder which was the same as day 1. Defense has already plead guilty to manslaughter, we are capable of returning a second degree murder charge, but that wasn’t in play in this scenario.

One of the jurors who was part of the 7 guilty was having an anxiety attack from being away from home for 3 days and his job for 3 weeks before that.
He requests to meet with the judge and disappears, after about 2.5 hours of day 3 all 11 are at guilty and we are ready to deliver our verdict, but we can’t because one of the jurors is missing. An hour later we get called into the courtroom and the judge tells us that the other juror has been excused and we will continue as 11. As foreman (in Canada foreman is chosen by other jurors and not by the judge) I decided we should play games (there were a few boardgames and cards in the jury room) for two hours before delivering the verdict.


This is also true for not guilty verdicts. If it goes past tomorrow it will be hung.

I can’t see my avatar in that poll but I thought it would be 9-0 too

There are 34 counts and only 12 jurors. The sensible thing to do is divvy them up so each juror has 2 or 3 counts and whatever she says goes imo


Can’t really hate on Trump here. I’d find a way to weave that into as many conversations as possible too.

People would ask me how the weather is and I’d respond with “nice day to have sex with a porn star”

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Lunch is free? Jury should definitely wait until after lunch.


What Litman and others are saying sounds backwards to me.

Ok, I guess I’m wrong. Confusing.

I was on a criminal jury a few months ago, I think even if we had a unanimous verdict immediately it would have taken a minimum of an hour to get out of the jury room since there was a bunch of paperwork to read fill out and some of our decisions had to be hand-written etc

If eleven jurors are like “lol he’s obviously guilty” and one juror says “fuck you, not guilty”, how long would the judge make them try to convince the holdout? Does that change if there are more than one “fuck you, not guilty” jurors?

I assume it plays out exactly like in 12 Angry Men.


I think if they’re on the point of declaring they can’t decide, the judge will instruct them to go back and give it another go. I forget what this is called but supposedly a rule in NY. Extra pressure, maybe causing the holdouts to cave.

Yeah that’s my thinking, but is that “another go” like an hour or two, or a day or two?