Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Hawk Loomah

He flat out denied it

Maybe? Idk, itā€™s not even really relevant to establishing his motive or intent.

The deliberation has officially started. Start the clock, ~11:30 AM ET.

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Ok this may take a while.


I honestly think it will be roughly 90-210 minutes of deliberations > 50% of the time. If there is a holdout or two at first then probably 4-5 hours 20% of the time. 10-20% day or two deliberations and 10-20% hung jury depending on how stubborn/deranged the holdouts are.

The statement of the law itself is pretty simple

What Litman and others are saying sounds backwards to me. I think weā€™re talking about Trump doing a cover-up as a means to do a cover-up, where the crimes of falsifying business records were the means to cover up one or more of the three crimes below .

Iā€™ve always thought that even if there was a verdict immediately, a jury might decide just to hang out for an hour or so to make it appear as though there were true deliberations.

This forum makes no sense. Quick verdicts are almost always guilty. Yet everyone seems convinced itā€™ll be a hung jury and also think verdict will be quick?

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Yeah even if they are all windmill jamming GUILTY (they arenā€™t), they are still going to sit in there for the rest of the day at least to make it look like they really agonized over convicting the leader of Yaā€™ll Qaeda.

Even if they go in and snap vote guilty thereā€™s probably a bunch of forms they have to fill out that will take a little time. I think if we donā€™t get a verdict by end of day tomorrow itā€™s probably gonna be a hung jury. Obviously any verdict will be guilty, no way he gets full acquittal.

I know we talked about this before, but the people on this jury are legitimately insane. Unless you are looking to join the deplorable grift circuit (which is reasonable, someone who hangs this jury can probably parlay it into 7 figures easy), it seems like you are guaranteed to be at the very least doxxed and hounded for a long time to come.

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Trump sounding resigned and low-energy. Building up the drama if jury is hung or lolacquittal, and continuing his victimhood narrative.

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We didnā€™t think the Colorado case would be unanimous either.

Iā€™m certainly nervous. While Iā€™m obviously on team law bro, the nature of being around like minded people and not seriously listening to the defense arguments creates blind spots.

Speak for yourself, I thought it was pretty obvious the Colorado case would be unanimous. Thereā€™s a poll somewhere in another thread that proves it.

I remember roughly 2-3 people out of several dozen predicting unanimous.

Mother Teresa should have been locked up too so he got that right


Maybe he shouldā€™ve gone with Jesus.


My dad said he did that. He was a foreman in a convenience store robbery case or something like that. He told me it was 100% obvious the defendant was guilty, but they didnā€™t return the verdict right away for appearances sake.

Turns out you were one of the two.