Community rule vote: Moderators and moderation logs

If it helps alleviate some of that stress, I think that any change for the positive is a Good Thing, and more importantly, you’ve taken your turn as mod and there are many here haven’t yet and are willing to do so with the same mentality you’ve outlined here. Don’t feel pressured to take another turn if you aren’t ready to.

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I thought there was a vote about proceeding forward to draft the language or not? And then a separate vote about the language?

Relying on unwritten rules to defend against angle-shooters is folly.

But I have seen it on record that it’s intolerable.


It’s more true for written rules!

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I’m still confused about if this is serious business or lol no big deal.

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It might not be hard but how many want to do that? The present incumbents are no example, that’s for sure.

I think it’s actually much easier to ban your friends than your not-friends, but that’s probably just me being weird.


I will give a shout out to jman here. He took sub-24hr bans like they were nbd and understood that I was trying my best to be fair.


Relying on the honor system certainly worked well for getting unvaxxed people to wear masks.

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I mean, I was recently told that weaponizing personal details from past posts was exactly the sort of thing that was against forum rules, while calling other people Nazis is just fine.

You witness two people bickering about something you don’t care about and you don’t like/dislike one party any more/less than the other.

Does this make you anxious?

  • Yes, and I’m generally at least kind of an anxious person
  • Yes, and I’m not generally an anxious person
  • Maybe a little, but not really.
  • Not at all
  • No, in fact I enjoy it

0 voters

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Not that your post was anything but a joke here, but to clarify I don’t not care about any of this. I just have a theory that a lot of the people who want all the fighting to stop/go away/go to French BBQ even if they aren’t generally part of the threads are reacting more because they are feeling anxious than because they think it dooms the forum or is some kind of bad look for lurkers.


I’ve had more than one poster tell me they’re leaving because this bullshit is too much, pretty much every mod/admin has made it clear it’s making their job miserable, idk how this is even debatable.

Yet your own childish trolling and snide remarks haven’t slowed a bit either. Why is that?


Yet in an inspiring testament to their endless selflessness they insist on standing for re-election.


Hello, I am a longtime lurker of this forum and 2p2 politics. I think this community works better when there is a consistent and solid group of mods that don’t rotate. Overall, the mods have done a good job especially given all the turmoil.


I’ve mostly avoided AU threads, I’d have this on ignore if it wasn’t a voting thread.

But yeah, I’ll certainly admit I’m also part of the problem as well. 20 points to your team for hypocrisy! You’re so very close to a win!

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Welcome @ArizonaRonFromTucson! I predict that you will be treated only with kindness by everyone in this thread.