College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters

I’m rooting against half of these. Death to traitors.


OSU @ WSU in two weeks is gonna be wild. Everyone should be rooting for the winner of that game to go on a miracle run.


The Superior Court of Washington ruled in favor of Oregon State and Washington State Monday, granting a temporary emergency restraining order against the Pac-12 that will disable the conference from conducting formal board meetings until the court rules further. Judge Gary Libey, however, amended the order to allow the Pac-12 to conduct business regarding urgent matters for the 2023-24 academic year before 10 of its 12 members depart for other conferences next summer.


I watched this hearing starting midway through when I saw a link to a live YT stream. Beyond the pretty clear merits as I understand them, I figured OSU and WSU were set to win after the third time the judge complimented what a thorough job the attorney for the other side did. Those are not compliments you particularly want.

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Is that because the judge is in effect saying “you’re doing an elite job with what you have to work with, but the facts of the case are just too much of a lopsided handicap for you”?

Yeah, I just think most lawyers are sympathetic to another lawyer who couldn’t really pick their very weak position and are left sledding uphill in a hopeless spot. As long as they do their job professionally and competently - and this Pac-12 lawyer did, at least in his oral presentation - there’s an impulse to recognize it.

Word on the internet is that the 10 organizations that are leaving the PAC-12 were planning on discussing the conference paying for some of the costs relating to them transferring to new conferences.

I read the bylaws and it actually sounds like they intended to remove voting rights from any school that actually left the conference before 2024. But the wording at least implies that giving notice is enough to lose your voting rights, and that’s apparently how USC and UCLA were treated after their announcements. The rules definitely didn’t contemplate almost the whole conference leaving at once. It doesn’t make any sense to allow those schools to govern the fate of the PAC-12, but it also arguably doesn’t make sense for WSU and OSU to get to do whatever they want while the other schools are still in the PAC-12, which they currently are.

This will require a negotiated solution, which given the politics and the stakes for WSU and OSU is going to get super interesting. Time is not on the Cougs’ and Beavs’ side, as they need to get this figured out ASAP. But I think optics matter for the leaving schools, and I have to imagine they have an interest in not royally fucking WSU and OSU on their way out the door any more than they already have.

okay first, this… man i dunno. this sounds a lot different than “man sexually harasses unsuspecting woman”.

also, this mfka’s making $90 million dollars and sends her gifts of… $200 venmo and a pair of nikes (that he 100% took from the training room) lmaowtf no wonder she hates him :joy:

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Am I to understand that she once said Izzo sucks and that is perhaps proof this was a honeypot type situation ?

both of them seem like they’re lying, tucker statements aren’t consistent, she apparently just dgaf for a long time and they have a bunch of over 30 minute convos before/since like what is this mess idk and I don’t care.

at any rate tucker is quite the idiot

Didn’t even take that long


Milroe getting HURTS’d.

Penn State Illinois all I can think of is the 20-18 9 OT worst game ever or the basketball games that ended up in the 30s for each team

Illinois defense is bad this year so far, DL is still very good, the secondary has been a mess to start. They are really missing both browns.

illinois played a lot of man last year and they can’t just reload on 1st round CBs

Man the 9 OT game was some real post-modern avant garde football

It’s like the Walmart version of hurts vs tua.

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As one with limited vested interest in any games today, what is worth watching? Schedule seems pretty blah.

That’s an understatement. This week is horrendous.

I might flip on a game that’s unexpectedly close in the 4th, but I wouldn’t plan on watching anything start to finish unless you were really bored.

Best game might be LSU/Miss St. Feels like such a trap game for the Tigers. They might drop to 1-2,

This is the week I wake up and all hell has broke loose.

in the past those were the weeks chaos happened

not so much these days

your game of the week pick, uh not so much