College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters

It hardly seems unfair to ascribe some additional uncertainty to a decision that is ultimately made by an unaccountable committee rather than being strictly settled by the game in question.

Playoff should be like the original BCS: six conference auto-bids and two at-larges.

Letting teams stacked with talent sleepwalk through the regular season and still get into the playoff is going to ruin the CFB regular season. Also think only allowing two at-large bids would encourage teams to play at least one big non-conference game.

It’s nate silver. He is a hack and also dumb.

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I appreciate the commitment to the bit

I do wonder if what Harbaugh has done at Michigan and Brian Kelly did for a few cycles at ND will give some of these coaches a longer rope as new hires.

Like Harbaugh’s track record was impeccable before Michigan, he was still far better than their previous 2 coaches, and there were rumblings about moving on as early as year 4 (where he had two 10-win seasons). Admittedly those were mostly from Sports Radio and GREEAR types, and not inside the program, but I think the Harbaugh era is informative of just how long programs can take to build

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Normally this show is unlistenable but this is just 2 minutes of Spencer Hall teeing off on Ryan Day and OSU and it’s glorious.


That’s so good. MGoBlog just released a 3 hour 11 minute podcast and I’ve never been more excited for a hardcore history length listening experience.

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queued up and ready for the gym later…

I’d put red hot skewers in my ears first.

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Sure, ok Ohio State fans, take this one personally. Just like the last one. Be galled by the sheer blasphemy of planting a flag in YOUR Stadium. A stadium where grown men wear face paint and dangle nuts around their necks. The holiest of places where I’ve seen grown men throw drinks at women and children and scream profanities at them because it makes their lives feel just a teeny bit better for a few hours in the fall. A University and a fanbase that wants you to know how serious they take their rival that they won’t call them by their name and refer to them with a stupid acronym from 40 years ago. A University whose identity is to once a year cross out 1/26 of the alphabet (to varying degrees of effectiveness) in what I assume is to prove to the world that they in fact do know the alphabet and can read and write as well. It’s childish and silly, but whatever, if that’s what they want to wrap their self-worth and identity into, who am I to judge? But sure, let’s take this defeat as a sign of disrespect.

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“UM” is literally in the name of your city, Ohio State. Time to change the name of the city if you want to compete.

They should change the name anyway because fuck that asshole.

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I’ve been pushing “Value City” for years. “Columbus” is the worst for obvious reasons. And they already have an arena with that name!

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well everyone who did anything note worthy to get something named after was an asshole, so asshole that other assholes would call an asshole is the criteria for removal here

Michigan moves up to #2 in SP+, would be a 3pt dog against Georgia.


OSU is taking the loss very seriously!


is it because she put the M in her name there?


huge freeze to auburn looks to be done deal