Cobra Kai (spoilers strike first in the crane kick position)

Extremely cool.

It was crazy quick, but I did get to say one or two sentences to Ralph Macchio. Another family went before us and when it was our turn, the director wanted to rearrange us so it didn’t look the same as the previous family. He said the kids should do the crane pose. Ralph asked if they would be able to, and I told him that, in fact, my son had taken karate for a few years and did the crane kick as part of his routine. That was about it. Shook his hand when we were done. He looks as young in person as he does on screen.


Also, a friend of mine, the killer from the viral Too Many Cooks from several years ago, was on set that day as an extra. Possible Easter Egg!



that guy is real???

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Yes, and it will make everyone here happy to know he hates Trump so much that he’s been suspended from Facebook multiple times for extensive trolling of Trumpers.

He got started in acting when he was given a line as an extra in Hunger Games: Catching Fire. I was actually in the same scene, so I remembered it (the line got cut), we chatted over FB one day, and became friendly. He obviously has a great character look, so he’s parlayed extra work into the occasional speaking line (in big studio movies, I remember he had a line in Jumanji as the bread vendor that gives Kevin Hart pound cake that makes him explode, and he was recently in Irresistible).

He’s actually been really good in some short films. Check out Five Windows. And if you want something completely disgusting and NSFW, Gwilliam.

He’s also a demon in Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell.

The last time I saw him, we had a costume fitting together for Stranger Things just before the pandemic shutdowns. I knew he was going to be there, so I talked to him the day before. I have his Too Many Cooks figurine, so he told me to bring it and he signed it. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I’ll never forget that final scene as it was faithfully recreated in the Jaden Smith/Jackie Chan remake :clown_face:

I’m still holding out hope we get a Karate Kid 2 :crossed_fingers:

Yeah, that’s the kick my kid learned to do in his karate class.

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Thought S1 was excellent. It doesn’t seem like it should work, but it does, delightfully. A perfect balance of nostalgia and present-day drama.

Early into S2 and it doesn’t feel nearly as strong but still enjoying it.

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S1 was just a pleasure all the way through, S2 turns into a hot mess at the end, but still plenty of material for many more seasons if they want to keep doing it

Too Many Cooks is one of the best things ever put to film

I just watched this scene and was coming to chastise you for not doing the crane.

Your “wife” didnt get the memo that only the kids were supposed to and she was halfway into it when the scene cut

Yup. I totally should’ve done it, though.

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Too Many Cooks was one of the few things that I was able to audition for without experience, a reel, a resume, a headshot, or anything. I did a video audition for the Peeping Tom character and the doctor who actually had lines at the end. I actually thought I did a really good job for the former, but I know I sucked at the latter.

Sadly, one of the main characters, Ken Delozier - the dad in the video - passed away recently. Non-COVID, just went to sleep and didn’t wake up. He was important in the Atlanta extra community. He started a FB group to help people learn about casting opportunities when it was still a bit of an unknown industry. Really got a lot of people involved in the business.

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That is really sad to hear. Sudden death like that for someone not at a really advanced age is the absolute worst.

Was Cobra Kai shot in Atlanta? Or were you in LA at the time?

They flew us out to L.A. for that shot.

Jk it filmed in Atlanta.

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Two of my friends haven’t seen Karate Kid

Finished the second season of Cobra Kai over the weekend. It wasn’t as tight as the first season, but I still really enjoyed it.

Scenes in a couple episodes seemed really under-lit, to the extent that it seemed more like a production error than a stylistic choice. I’m thinking of some of the shots from the town fair scene and some of the shots in the bar from Johnny’s road trip episode. Maybe the producers were dealing with budget constraints. They clearly went all out on choreography for the finale.


Finished 2 episodes of Cobra Kai and I’m loving it. I don’t have any particular interest in the Karate Kid franchise, but I’m enjoying this.


Never seen karate kid

Honestly, you don’t even need to have seen Karate Kid to enjoy Cobra Kai.

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It’s the rare sequel series where I’d say it doesn’t matter which one you watch first. Seeing Cobra Kai and then seeing the original three movies for the first time would be an awesome experience.

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