Climate Change and the Environment

But did they die from climate change or with climate change?


Idk if this is how it works but

Beat: Salt Lake City tied its all time temperature record yesterday (107 F) and the power went out.

Brag: I haven’t turned on my window AC unit at all this year.

Variance: Got rained on on my walk.

There was an interesting article on the Canadian SOCIALISM News about urban/rural divide in these heat waves and the damage cause.

This doesn’t bode well for the ongoing political crisis with respect to climate change. I can confirm that most of the people that live in the rural community where I live now will respond to Torontonians dying in the summer heat with HERP DERP STUPID CITY MORONS DON’T EVEN KNOW THE SUMMER IS HOT HYUCK HYCUK HYUCK.


I love that this headline is both sensationalist hyperbole and also literally true.

Obviously the fact that Europe is on fire proves that SOCIALISM doesn’t work. Chessmate libtard.


Someone from that sample is also probably going to die from drinking or ODing themselves due to major depression over years of continuous freakout over shit that they cannot control.

Reading about a recent energy conference.

Apparantly the answer is opening more mines to dig up more shit to build windmills and solar panels.

They might not be wrong. But still sucks that the folks who made bank on fucking the planet are going to get another windfall as we try to unfuck it.

@microbet, thoughts:

This is anti environmental click bait.

Lol at the 5 corrections before the article.

For some context.

If all 1 million panels needed to be recycled in a year. That 18,000,000 kg approx.

Or around 0.04% or less of Californias annual landfill.

These fucking people.

Would solar panels fall into the same category as batteries where you need special disposal as you don’t want their metals and chemicals in standard landfills?

112 in dfw today. I grew up there I don’t remember it getting above 105-106. Our grandchildren are screwed

lol from my daughter that just moved down there for grad school:


lol, and we’re only at 1 degree now. wait til 3.

this stuff tends to be exponential too. we’re so fucked

biggest issue is recycle enough valuable materials to replace the decommissioned panels. the amount in a landfill is minimal amortized over lifespan



So, what’s GBN? Is that the fox news of the UK?

OANN but with less viewers - gammony brexiteers and assorted racists and other pathetic wankers.