Climate Change and the Environment

What a stupid unit of measure.

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I kind of get the difficulty of changing things like feet and miles and inches which get used every day. But i’ve never understood why imperial measures in obscure areas of science and industry dont get updated.

Like, surely in 100% of settings where people use feet acres, they could use cubic meters and no one would blink?

Like in energy stuff I occasionally have to figure out what the fuck a british thermal unit is. Just use joules ffs.

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Desalination stations. Take the rising seawater and replace the disappearing fresh water.

It’s actually approximately how much water one family uses in a year.

Y’all are going to love learning what the volume unit for lumber is.

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Whenever I get a cord of wood delivered I never know whether they gave me way more than whatever the hell a cord is or if I’m just terrible at stacking it.

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Watched the video. It’s worth watching.

The fact that landowners in the US own the mineral, water and pore space rights is yet another example of how stupidly americas system has been designed.

In Canada the crown aka the people own mineral, water and pore space rights.

It comments on the Bellagio pool specifically confirming the water is saline and not usable elsewhere. He argues Vegas is a water steward.

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The way water rights work varies throughout the US for both surface and ground water.

It should be about 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet stacked. That’s not too hard to visualize.

Let’s call it 128 stack-feet.


The northern tip of Lake Mead, also known as the Overton Arm . I’m not sure exactly how much area is lost here but it is substantial from looking at google maps

German Social Democrats and Greens passed a law to discontinue the operation of the three remaining nuclear power plants as planned. Their output will be replaced by coal plants. Fucking imbeciles.

Supported by the “Green” party in Germany no less.

As someone who supported nukes then opposed them and now grudgingly supports them, I don’t get it.

It should be noted that Germany is one of the most progressed in renewables and has fairly concrete plans to be fully renewable by 2035.

I’m not anti nuclear. But it isnt the fix all some people paint it as. It’s still expensive and it doesnt ramp well. So it doesnt actually work well in a grid with high penetration of renewables.

Also “replace the output with coal” is a simplification at absolute best. The carbon intensity of the grid is going down quickly over time, and most of the nuclear capacity will be replaced with renewables.

There IS a plan to keep coal as reserve capacity. Which is more about filling the gaps in solar and wind.


Damn. I’m so upset with myself that I wrote a post about the german grid without using dunkelflaute in a sentence.

Theres a reason the rest of the world is using the german term, loosely translated, for a long draught of renewables (when the sun’s not shining and the wind’s not blowing).

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Using coal for baseline capacity when you have already-operating nuclear plants is bonkers though. The cost of nuclear has a lot to do with building and decommissioning the plants. I can’t speak to the ramping issue because I don’t know much about it, but I find it hard to believe the best solution is switching to coal.

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It’s environmental religion not science. Same anti-science vein that runs through the right has perch on the left as well for some things. Nuclear is one.

It’s people that live in a fantasy land where there are energy sources with zero risk.

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Also a lot of “wellness”.


Yep our side is the birth of the anti-vaccine movement.

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