Climate Change and the Environment

I predict that unless it goes up in such a large fire that it blocks the sun in the US, nobody is going to do shit about it. In other words it’ll be waaaaay too late by the time we act.

But I’ve heard it’ll just be some mild climate change and give us some herd immunity against forest fires.

Listened to this while at work. Cliffs: we are fucked. Basically the carbon released in the 50s/60s of last century are going to warm the planet and just getting to net zero wont be enough without also getting carbon out of the air. Apparently we would need a “negative emissions business” that is at least twice as big as our current oil and gas business by 2050. We would need to build one negative emission plant every day between now and 2050. Today we have one operational in the entire world. It doesnt look good.

So I gift my little nieces quite few few animal figures in the hope that they play with them learn about them and maybe care about these animals later.
After reading articles like this Gray whales are dying along the Pacific coast
I am not so sure that half of these animals can still be found when they become adults.

But Joe Machin says no. Alas.

We watched Soylent Green last night. Forgot just how much it was an environmentalism story and not just an overpopulation story.

long story short, it takes place in 2022. They werent too far off.

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Meanwhile the party that is in control of most of our country’s major government institutions is pumping out legislation to stop schools from talking about gay people, to prevent women from about IG ectopic pregnancies, and to allow people to to carry guns everywhere.

This is fine.

It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica. Scientists are flabbergasted.

The coldest location on the planet has experienced an episode of warm weather this week unlike any ever observed, with temperatures over the eastern Antarctic ice sheet soaring 50 to 90 degrees above normal. The warmth has smashed records and shocked scientists.

“This event is completely unprecedented and upended our expectations about the Antarctic climate system,” said Jonathan Wille, a researcher studying polar meteorology at Université Grenoble Alpes in France, in an email.



What exactly happens if temps like this hold in any kind of short or long term way? That has to massively increase the likelihood of antarctic ice thinning, right?

From the article (no need to worry in the immediate term):

The abnormally high temperatures have caused some melting in the region according to models, which is unusual as this part of Antarctica doesn’t experience much melt often. This one melt event won’t affect the stability of the glaciers in that area though.

“This event happened in a location that doesn’t often have melt. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that from now on we’re worried that melting will happen,” Wille said. “It’s more of like, ‘Oh, that is weird, that could happen more in the future and then this could be bad. ’”

Wille said it’s difficult to attribute this one event to climate change at the moment, but he does think rising temperatures helped prime conditions for such an event. Climate change is “loading the dice” for more situations like this, he said.

“We do believe they will become more intense because it just simple physics … but the details, we’re still trying to figure that out. It would be very difficult to say that there’s not a climate change fingerprint on an event like this,” he said.

Keller and Lazzara suggested more study is needed on the climate change connection.

“We can’t tell whether this is going to be a new trend or is just an oddity that occurs occasionally on a most fascinating continent,” they wrote.

Finally watched “Kissing the ground” on netflix. After the first 15-20 minutes I was basically “Yeah just give up. Dont have kids. There wont be much to live for”. Why: The worlds top soil could be gone in 60 years at the current pace and how we do agriculture. Then it follows up with few nice inspirational stories how its not too late to turn it around. It could be so easy. Just dont use pesticides. Follow certain techniques and dont just do one crop. The problem in the US is that the government guarantees prices for certain crops which leads to farmers not even bothering doing anything different. The main arc is the soil can sequester lots of carbon out of the atmosphere if its in working order. Pesticides kill the living organisms in the soil so it loses its ability to sequestering carbon. And yeah stop tilling for fucks sake.

After watching I googled for some critics of the film. So I stumbled on an opinion piece by a plantbased site. Of course he criticed that the film gives a picture that free grazing cattle is part of the solution. Few weeks ago I read an interview with an professor of agriculture who basically said that going completely without cattle isnt required or useful. Only certain parts of the crops we grow can actually be consumed by humans. The rest of the plant is useless to us but it can be eaten by animals like cows. So he said if you have to eat meat you should only eat the good organic one from free range cattle. I think this might be more of a feasible solition because going with “You cant have meat at all” wont work knowing us humans.
Another criticism I found that the film showed a rosy picture because being a farmer is a hard job and its not always fun. That I can agree on. I could still seeing me owning a land and using it in way that helps restoring it to its

I still think we have to change our way of farming unfortunately the war already brings out the voices that we should relax restrictions on the use of pestizides to increase output. We will do like we do with fishing. We go big until we cant anymore and nothing is left in the end.

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So I’m glad I’m already in one of the sweet spots and that maybe I can fund my retirement by eventually selling my rundown house to some rich CA tech bro. But somebody needs to tell whoever wrote that summary blurb that the Appalachian Mountains run through every New England state except RI. And almost every other state on the east coast. And four Canadian provinces. And a bit of France.


Apparently where I live by the beach in LA is turning into San Francisco in the summer - all fog all the time. I can live with that.

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Climate activist Wynn Bruce self-immolated in front of the SCOTUS building on Saturday

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damn :hushed:

Reading up on this and it sounds like this was a “common” practice for Buddhist monks in protest of the Vietnam War. I feel incredibly bad for the guy to make this significant of a decision to bring awareness when it will get completely lost in the news cycle in 24 hours. Seems like there could have been better ways to help combat climate change. RIP.

Yeah the timing is a bit suspect.

Also the Arab Spring kicked off when a guy in Tunisia did this.

I was hoping I just imagined seeing the headline about this.

NBZ says what we’re all thinking in 3… 2…

I don’t know what’s sadder, the fact that no one will pay attention to this or the fact that this guy thought people would.

I don’t think he was naive in that regard. He might have hoped people would pay attention. I doubt he was confident they would. He was a dedicated Buddhist and climate activist. He discussed this with people for years, the immolation. It would be extremely weird if he wasn’t aware of the history of Buddhist activism and climate activism and the crickets both receive.

He knew people like suzzer would make weird comments ignoring his humanity like “timing is suspect”

Change suspect to suboptimal, which is what I meant.

If you’re going to immolate yourself in front of SCOTUS, the goal is to make some kind of headline and reach people. When WWIII might be starting is a tough time to do that.