Climate Change and the Environment

Where the utility infrastructure paid for by the public (municipal utilities like LADWP), they don’t have the same pressures. Electric lines, the availability of utility power, provide far more value to land and homeowners than they cost and it would be fair to pay for them by property or other taxes. People who rent apartments shouldn’t pay for the construction of the power lines running to the building in their power bills, that would be double paying. They are already paying for it in the rent they pay, which is based on the value of the property, which is partly based on the utility lines that run to it.

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since around AD 1500, possibly as many as 7.5–13% (150,000–260,000) of all ~2 million known species have already gone extinct, orders of magnitude greater than the 882 (0.04%) on the Red List.

I heard an estimate this morning that the true number of species is somewhere between 10 and 100 million and that not only is that a ridiculously wide range, but we don’t even know which end is the more likely.

Shame Noah didn’t get round to doing a count while he had them all on the boat.


If I had too much money that would be the stuff I could get invested in. Buying land and returning it to nature.


you can actually buy land pretty cheaply, just depends where and how much obv. you don’t need thousands of acres to rewild, anywhere between 20-100 will be quite a project on its own

Depends on the region. In Germany they already freak out about the wolves and if a bear manages to cross borders he gets killed quickly.

Thanks jackasses

yeah. so happy we went with induction ten years ago. also dreaming of replacing gas furnace and dryer.

Yeah, we went with induction as well. I must admit I had a bit of remorse since induction wok doesn’t work quite as well (but it’s as good or better for most everything else). But learning of this was enough to overcome that minor annoyance.

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Lol Biden. Lets hope the decision survives.

Stories like these make me so mad. It’s not because of the Chinese I hate it when the Europeans do it as well. We are protecting our trade routes around Somalia but we cant help them by patroling these areas.

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Fighting a senseless battle when I see shit like this.

Since the beginning of the year, state legislatures in West Virginia, Oklahoma and Indiana have introduced a version of a law drafted by Alec, called the Energy Discrimination Elimination Act, to shield big oil from share selloffs and other measures intended to protest the fossil fuel industry’s role in the climate crisis. A dozen other states have publicly supported the intent of the legislation.

claims that “American and European fossil energy producers … are among the most socially and environmentally responsible companies in the world”. It laments that “corporations are boycotting fossil energy companies by refusing to provide them with products or services”, and says that share selloffs by financial funds hurt investors.

In other news:

Acceleration may be due to trying to get away with as much as possible while Bolsonaro is still around, as he’s trailing in the polls. The election is October 2. If he goes, he likely won’t go quietly though. He’s more Trump than Trump.

ETA It occurs to me we could well be watching Bolsonaro using violent means to stay in power with Trump cheering him on as we’re voting in midterms here.

This could go in a number of threads but this one seems the most appropriate (and I can’t find where previous dicussion of these vans was)

If the vehicles weighed just one pound less, they wouldn’t be permitted on American roads because they pollute too much.

In fact, Garcia argues, if the trucks had a gross vehicle weight of just .01 percent less, the delivery fleet would almost certainly have to be electric to meet the EPA’s new fuel efficiency standards.

“We suspect it was intentional,” Garcia deadpanned.

According to its environmental review of the procurement, the new gas delivery trucks have a curb weight of 5,560 pounds and a payload of 2,941 pounds, for a combined vehicle weight of 8,501 pounds. That is almost double the weight of the current USPS delivery vehicle, the LLV.

However the USPS and Oshkosh Defense, the manufacturer, came to calculate the payload at 2,941 instead of 2940, it was an incredibly important pound.

And, as it happens, 8,500 pounds is the dividing line between a light truck, which the EPA is pushing with increasingly stringent standards that can’t be met by gas cars, and a heavy duty truck, which currently has no timetable for electrification standards. So by a single pound—less than the weight of a single standard Amazon package—the new USPS vehicle will classify as a heavy duty truck, allowing it to not only be gas-powered, but pollute far more.

The USPS declined to comment on this story. Oshkosh Defense did not respond to a request for comment.

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