Climate Change and the Environment

Nano is gonna have to figure out how to save the day presumably she’s smarter than us but I hope she’s a lot smarter.

I’m currently working on a project that will reduce blackouts during inclement weather going forward. It’s probably the only project I’ve done that has tangible positive benefits, so that kinda makes me feel good. But I cannot overstate how clueless and lazy these people are. Just no desire to understand their system or to make it more reliable.

In June, however, a federal judge in Louisiana ordered a resumption of auctions, saying the government was required by law to offer acreage to the oil and gas industry.

Lulz, only in the US of A this shit is possible.

In the document, known as a Record of Decision, the administration said a United Nations report that warned earlier this month that climate change was dangerously close to spiraling out of control “does not present sufficient cause” to revise an existing environmental analysis of the offshore lease sale, which was conducted by the Trump administration.

Well then. Let’s party till the end.


This isnt wrong in terms of the aus government distracting from taking meaningful action.

It is wrong on CCS not being important or needed. CCS has to pay off or else we are fucked. All the least bad IPCCC scenarios require massive transformation to low carbon tech AND for CCS to be viable at the back end.

(After consuming hundreds of posts in the hermancainaward subreddit from someone that’s been off Facebook for years)

I don’t know how anyone who lives in this country can bring children into this world after the past 18 months. Like, how exactly do you think climate change is going to go? We have a free, life saving, revolutionary miracle vaccine for a world-altering pandemic, and 30% of this country would rather die on a ventilator to own the libs. We can’t get people to wear a piece of cloth on their face or take a needle in their arm for the benefit of themselves and strangers (from a threat that is much more visible and immediate). There is zero public will to do anything that will alter the (horrifying) climate trajectory we are on.

We are all so fucking fucked.


I had a similar thought in that here, the NSW government had plenty of examples from overseas of how bad Delta is, they watched the 100-day lockdown in Victoria after that state let an outbreak get away from them, and then when they had confirmed transmission from a guy wandering around in the community with Delta, they were like “let’s not go crazy with precautionary measures here, everyone wear masks on public transport”. Locking down would have been a mildly politically embarrassing decision for them, for reasons I won’t go into. The result is what you see in Australia now: multiple major cities locked down for weeks and a mad scramble to vaccinate.

If we can’t take necessary precautionary measures when the consequences for not doing so have been graphically illustrated multiple times, the chances we are going to take anything like the required precautionary measures for climate change are zero.

I still want to know where they are going to get their water from.

Not planning to be governed by the US, I see. Or the state, for that matter.

That narrative doesn’t make sense anymore. Melbourne shows delta can’t be stopped by lockdowns the moment it gets into the dense neighbourhoods that are filled with essential workers that can’t stay home. Delta had already made it into Fairfield the day after the first case was made public and even the strictest lockdown seen in Australia didn’t get the R below 1 in Fairfield.

Maybe. SA caught the outbreak here very early and got it. It’s true that it’s borderline impossible to control an outbreak once it’s in full swing, but sometimes you can do it if there are a finite set of people you can put under full quarantine. But given the facts that were known back then, NSW’s attempt to control it was totally inadequate.

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Initially, pretty great for the rich.

It’s the poor that are (as always) going to be turbo fucked.

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This is just awful misinformation. It’s riddled with out and out lies.

Lol only 6 ccus projects worldwide. There are dozens of straight up lies in this. Knowing lies.

Just trash.

Lol maybe u should take a look at the graphic where it states it would be 26 if you include the oil recovery ccs but yeah its easier to just throw out a comment without actually making your point with data.

Damn. Where is that?



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A literal greece fire.