Climate Change and the Environment


So are we still getting our tar sands or will Canada change? Who am I kidding. There are no good guys on the planet.

With the Liberals we get tar sands but also green socks on the PM to demonstrate his commitment to the environment.

Town where it was 121 now being evacuated because of a wildfire.

“The 486 deaths currently entered represent a 195% increase over the approximately 165 deaths that would normally occur in the province over a five-day period,” British Columbia Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe said in a statement.

“While it is too early to say with certainty how many of these deaths are heat related, it is believed likely that the significant increase in deaths reported is attributable to extreme weather (British Columbia) has experienced and continues to impact many parts of our province,” Lapointe said.

Could you imagine the panic if Covid-19 would have killed so quickly in the beginning?

Sounds like the whole town of Lytton might be gone. Crazy.

Speaking as a country consisting of mostly inhospitable desert: it’s good, actually.

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ExxonMobil’s chief executive Darren Woods has apologised for comments made by lobbyist Keith McCoy to undercover reporters, which were first aired on Channel 4 News last night.

In a statement, Mr Woods said: “We condemn the statements and are deeply apologetic for them, including comments regarding interactions with elected officials.”

He added: “We were shocked by these interviews and stand by our commitments to working on finding solutions to climate change.”

He insisted Mr McCoy “was not involved in developing the company’s policy positions on the issues.”

However, Mr McCoy is one of the most senior ExxonMobil lobbyists on Capitol Hill and he has represented the company in liaison with the US Congress for the last eight years.

Today we report his further claims that:

ExxonMobil “manufactures PFAS”, so-called “forever chemicals”, which independent research has linked to cancer, hormone disruption and weakened immunity.
The company categorically denies that they manufacture “forever chemicals”.
He secretly and successfully used a third-party organisation to persuade politicians not to debate the rules around the manufacturing of PFAS.
He lobbied Congress to “slow down” and amend sanctions against Russia, by getting a committee chair to use a “political manoeuvre”
ExxonMobil views natural gas as a “clean” energy source and says plastics manufacture is a priority for growth.
‘Forever Chemicals’
Greenpeace Unearthed, the journalism unit of the environmental campaign group Greenpeace UK, posed as head-hunters looking to hire a Washington D.C. lobbyist for a major client. They approached Mr McCoy, who agreed to speak over Zoom.

During the virtual meeting held on 7 May, the reporter asked Mr McCoy questions about his involvement in ExxonMobil’s current and historical lobbying on environmental issues.

In the covertly recorded conversation, Mr McCoy claimed the oil and gas giant is involved in manufacturing PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) – so-called “forever chemicals”.

He said: “We manufacture PFAS, the chemical. We use it in our firefighting equipment. So we have pushed our associations to be out front on that… .

“We think that if word got out that ExxonMobil manufactured those chemicals, that ExxonMobil uses those, those chemicals – it’s a talking point, you know? It becomes the ExxonMobil chemical and that is just going to hurt the effort.”

He added: “You know all these people have been working on this issue and then you have a member of Congress that has a bill who has been pushing and pushing for this bill. Then all of a sudden you know, they start talking about how this is an ExxonMobil chemical and ExxonMobil is poisoning our waterways, the debate is pretty much over.”

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Translation basically says fire in the Gulf of Mexico. I assume an gas/oil line?

Fucking crazy.


I know it’s bad but that shit is sick as hell

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Yea looks like Godzilla is being born or something.


Holy shit that house. Watch the video a few times to get the full effect.

Where is that. Wow

Atami, Japan. They got 31 inches of rain in 72 hours.


In Lytton, the Canadian national heat record was broken on Monday, smashed on Tuesday and then obliterated on Wednesday when the local monitoring station registered 49.6C (121F).

The previous week, northern Europe and Russia also sweltered in an unprecedented heat bubble. June records were broken in Moscow (34.8C), Helsinki (31.7C), Belarus (35.7C) and Estonia (34.6C).

The town of Oymyakon, Russia, widely considered to be the coldest inhabited place on Earth, was hotter (31.6C) than it has ever been in June.

Scientists aren’t in agreement on what is going on:

One theory is that the recent temperature spike might have been caused not just by global heating, but by slowing weather systems that get stuck in one place for an extended period

Experts at the Potsdam Institute and elsewhere believe the rapid heating in the Arctic and decline of sea ice is making the jet stream wiggle in large, meandering patterns, so-called Rossby resonance waves, trapping high- and low-pressure weather systems in one location for a longer time.

there is something else going on with this heatwave, and indeed, with many of the very persistent weather extremes we’ve seen in recent years in the US, Europe, Asia and elsewhere, where the models aren’t quite capturing the impact of climate change.”


According to many replies because the oil company is state owned it’s all the fault of SOCIALISM!

… and people are still going on about the ban on plastic straws - jeez.