Climate Change and the Environment

Don’t know how far this is from you but you can bring your pet.

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Btw what are your laws saying? The worker laws in Germany say once temp at your work place goes up to 35°C(95F) you dont have to work anymore. Your employer has to provide drinks starting at 30°C I believe.

You can get a bedroom standalone AC for like $250 I think. Obviously it won’t get there in time for this heat wave and I’m sure the local stores are sold out. But it might be worth investing in for the future.

Coastal LA get uncomfortably hot 1-2 weeks/year. I used to just suffer through it. Now I have a small standalone AC or the bedroom and a big one that handles the rest of my condo. I got it because I didn’t want to be confined to my bedroom during covid. Great purchases - no ragerts.

I’ve been turning the bedroom one on every night even though it’s not very hot. I sleep like a log.

In LOL USA #1 there are no laws when it comes to working in the heat. Suck it up buttercup. Quit being a liberal pansy.

In reality, your best hope is your boss hates the heat and sends everyone home.

i rigged a frozen jug of water and a fan for my partner and cat at home.

meanwhile today is the day our office reopened, so i’m here with 76 deg AC, and it feels almost back to pre-pandemic normal.

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I used to sit on a frozen back pad thing with two fans on me on full blast. I bought 3 pads so I could rotated them in the freezer. Still wasn’t good enough.

Then again I grew up in the Midwest w/o AC some summers. Waking up in a pool of your own sweat is fun.

Lets hope the grids up there are better than in Texas. From my time in Malta I know that the electric bill could get really expensive having the AC running through the summer. Not to mention the need for additional energy. Wont be long that I think about an AC if the summers continue like that. Its just not fun anymore.

There are no federal laws but states can make their own. They all go by wet bulb temp afaik, i know Minnesota has one, on hot days I see someone in our factory walking around with the wet bulb instrument taking readings. There are places in the country where you wouldn’t be able to work for months at a time if the upper limit was a temp of 95F.

This is the MN law. Note the wet bulb readings are nothing like temp really, a wet bulb of 85F is oppressive while 85F temp is fine

On Thursday last week, I tried to order one from that big online retailer located here. The earliest delivery I could find then would’ve been tomorrow, unfortunately a day late. Have been searching all the stores in person and online since and came up empty, even having 2 pickup orders cancelled.

But ya, I’m planning on buying one shirt this experience. In addition to an AC, I also need to spring for an air purifier for wildfires. I’d hate to be stuck in a similar situation with them all sold out.

Damn, Portland normal high temp is 76 degrees for this date. Almost 40 degrees above average.



Any idea how the Atlantic Ocean is doing? Is it going to be a bad hurricane season?

Danny named today. Normally storm number 4 is named in like late July. Supposed to be above average year.

Forks, WA went from 108 to 65 once the sea breeze kicked in.


That’s what SF would do when their heat wave (which is nice) finally abates because the wind changes direction and the fog rolls in. I was up on our roof enjoying an ultra-rare 80 degree night, went inside for 30 minutes, came back up and it was at least 30 degrees colder.

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120 degrees in Canada. WTF.

Sure glad I don’t live there or Pemberton BC as these 2 places are usually the hottest places in the province most summers. I’m in the Vancouver area and have never experienced temperatures to this extreme and this early into summer.

Beer fridge can’t keep up and can’t find ice so it’s semi cold beers for me , sad really!