Climate Change and the Environment


Lol they are using a similar strategy like I do when I think about learning for exams or writing a paper. I often calculated in my head how i can use the remaining days till the exam or the due date of the paper and in the end I often concluded that I still got enough time left so I can play games or poker today.
Here they are making models and getting results that are using technology that doesnt even exist yet. They think we can keep doing that if we do that at the same time and by doing that the end result is that we dont actually need to do or change anything right now.

Since I gave Greta a follow on twitter I realized how much she is putting herself out there. Arguing, discussing and so on every day.



I wonder why they don’t put one of these up by the Lost Coast in far Northern CA. Windiest place I’ve ever been to - like where the sand on the beach stings your face. And it seems to be like that all the time. There’s no one out there so nobody’s view would be marred.

@microbet is it because shipping the power over 100s of miles is a problem?

I think they call this “transmission”. I did some consulting work for Ontario’s power industry once upon a time and they had the business and workforce broken down by generation/transmission/distribution. I think this roughly breaks down as making electricity, then getting it to a city, then getting it to individual households.


Has the Biden admin done anything so far to undo the damage that Pruitt and Wheeler did to the and via the EPA?

Another week new bad news: Well I know why I dont buy salmon bred in aquaculture. It’s bad; for the fish and for the environment.
Today I read a news article that the industry seems to lose the race against the salmon lice again. They are becoming more and more resistent to the chemicals. They collected the lice in the waters around Iceland, Greenland, Scotland, Ireland and Canada. Around Scotland almost half of all examined lice were resistant to more than one chemical. In the North Atlantic only Canada seems not affected as much. Interestingly they didnt collect around Norway. Another problem is that these lice arent just found on salmon in aquaculture but they get spread through currents and infest other wild fish species.

Since I cant find a news article in english I just post a link to the study.

This is a really stupid headline. Everyone knew this. The first scientific publications on the topic date to 100 years earlier.

a couple of months ago i started getting lots of shareholder election letters. so in an effort to cut down on paper mail, i installed the proxy vote app, and tried to submit votes. meanwhile, i noticed that a lot of board questions were around independent auditors and environmental review. most boards recommended vote No. I obviously went against that recommendation and votes Yes to more independence out of spite.

well, i guess some investors were actually able to win two exxon board seats.

In the Netherlands a court ruled that Shell has to reduce its emissions that management wants to. It’s rare that a court ignores current laws and becomes the legislator. Will be interesting to see what happens now. Will it be a positive for the environment? Doubtful. Shell recently sold a texan refinery to improve its emission balance. The refinery is still working just not for Shell anymore but a Mexican company.

Yesterday I also stumbled on that thing:

Cliff: A human rights lawyer that helped in a lawsuit against Chevron in Equador is under house arrest for contempt for court. Nobody wants to write about that lawsuit. Even people who initially want to come back later and say that the story is scrapped.

It’s quite sad that lately I learn the most interesting stuff from comedy or satire shows.

Chapo Trap House have been covering that story for months for the record. They’ve had long interviews with the lawyer twice.

Edit: Obviously this doesn’t contradict your point about learning about stuff from comedy shows.

But how many average people ste listening to Chapo? I am not really a podcast guy either. I listen to one if somebody posts a link about an interesting topic but other than that…


I’d say yes.

There are new super duper high voltage transmission lines that greatly reduce losses, but of course they are in China.

I don’t know about that specific location, but generally off-shore wind energy costs more than on-shore. (Per turbine obviously, but also per kwh)

it’s not really about the steak. it’s about health of the ecosystem to restore depleted farmland. there’s a school of thought out there about building soil carbon through grassland which needs grazing animals to tear up dying grasses into natural compost and provide fertilizer. there’s a lolTed talk about south africa experiencing advancing deserts because population of elephants severely declined, and then made a rebound when they reintroduced grazing. it’s an elegant idea although scientifically there haven’t been enough scrutiny, and most arguments against are economic rather than biological.

you could stop eating meat and hope those factory farms don’t move into big soy or something, or you could cut back a lot on feedlot produced meat and buy more from farms that try permaculture approach, or work on rebuilding soil. buying steak from those guys is more expensive, but still perfectly tasty and supports the people who do it. if it’s within 100 miles of you, i think it’s reasonably better on co2, and i expect it will get better over time.

now that i have a freezer i’m going to buy a share of the most sustainable cow i’ve ever bought.

Watched the new documentary on netflix: Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet.
Not sure how to feel: depressed or angry?
The people in power must have heard this stuff or similar stuff and yet nothing happens. It’s mind-boggling that there is not one government on this planet which takes this serious. What are we going to do once the Amazon reaches its tipping point? Since they also talked about how we tackled the decreasing ozone layer in the 1980s I really want to know: What was different then? How could they agree to act together?

Similar Greta linked an article on twitter: The media is still mostly failing to convey the urgency of the climate crisis | Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope | The Guardian
I think the forum is kinda similar. There are still dozens of posts each day in the covid thread. The majority of posts in the “cooking good food” thread is about meat. We are just not alarmed as much as we probably should be at this time.

It’s like the first wave of covid last year. The number of deaths back then is similar to the number of deaths caused by climate change. It hasn’t hit too close to home for most people yet.

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That was an extremely cheap fix compared to climate change. I don’t know what it actually ended up costing to comply with the Montreal Protocol but the EPA’s estimate in the US was $3 billion. The estimated cost of net-zero emissions by 2050, which is necessary to keep warming to 1.5C, is one to two trillion dollars per year, globally.

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I only knew the piece about “not the greatest country on earth” but now yt suggested this one:

Well I am not an expert but it wouldnt surprise me if within the next 10 years this is a speech you could give and not being wrong.