COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Nope. I suppose I should have one. I’m 53. I did mail some poop to Kaiser about a year ago.

Yeah, you’re way overdue, bro.

They recently reduced the recommendation for screening to start at 45. So I’m working up the initiative to set one up myself pretty soon.

Clean as a whistle at 50. Got put on the 10 year plan. Yikes. T-minus four years. But still better than this thread the past few weeks.


Sometimes. Maybe even most of the time. But he does have a wide range.

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In 2004-2005 my wife had a stage 4 Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She went to something like 6-8 all day expensive Chop-R chemo treatments and then had a few radiation treatments, not to mention all the biopsy and diagnostic stuff and follow ups. She then Worked at a bio tech startup in Cambridge. We paid 0 dollars.

No we are supposedly getting paid less at OSU for their “great” benefits plan and pay at least 1-2k a year for random stuff like a foot cast and extras or an EKG, plus random normal care. nowhere near as extensive as what she went through then. Anecdotal, but it is very noticeable and we def are sometimes playing the pros and cons game of going in for something we are not sure about knowing it’s probably 500 bucks


The environmental impact of raising cattle alone is a reason we should stop raising cattle. Dno’t get me wrong, I used to love a good steak too, but that shit is killing our planet.

Man I’m 31 and have had somewhere around 22 colonoscopies. I always forget that’s not normal until this type of conversation comes up. Definitely get one done sooner rather than later. It’s likely a much less unpleasant experience than the last time you did, or than what you are expecting if you’ve never been scoped. And it could save your life so that’s cool too.

I ignored all news for 12 hours today and as I am going to bed I see fauci emails trending and the insanity. Trying to go to sleep

Before I do just wanted to say what if you refuse to engage your doctor in any way on your blood pressure during your physical. He can take it just don’t respond to any questions about it.

To be fair, turns out procuring a shit ton of vaccine for a deadly virus was the best thing we could have done. It has made a gargantuan difference even in the face of mountains of ignorance from the population.

You can’t just handwave that away. It ended up being massively significant.

Do people really expect kumbaya put the world in a line sharing would ever happen in the face of a deadly pandemic. Most countries would have done the same thing given the opportunity.

Sure there is some luck that the one vaccine in the western world that struggled at first was not a US product or partnership. But since they were involved in the production of three others I am not sure it is luck so much as payoff for evilly lording over the world for 70 years.

But it is what it is and you can’t act like creating and securing and distributing the vaccine to its citizens is not a significant part of the US dealing with their Covid problem.

If you want lucky let’s talk about countries that have just in recent months started to struggle after everything went their way and yet they failed to utilize over a year of grace period to prevent a potential problem.

I feel bad. I misled one person through omission when he had a bad experience with the first shot. There was a real fear he might not get it and that was a bigger concern than him knowing some people had worse experiences following shot two.

Did i miss this?

Sinovac gets WHO approval. China aiming to produce 3 billion doses by the end of the year

I am way to busy today to read the Fauci emails, but I assume people are going to make all kinds of claims about sausage after seeing how sausage is actually made. And by sausage I mean science.

It’s a messy process. If we already knew the answers then it wouldn’t be necessary to do experiments, data analysis, etc.

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A while back there was discussion of new restaurant terraces and a few pictures that seemed sceptical of US attempts to be ‘like Paris’. Figured I’d share this genuine COVID era Parisian terrace I just walked past.


It’s so charming, look at that mansard roof in the background!

Right. Which is why, “We don’t yet know” or, “so far the data suggests it’s highly unlikely” are perfectly acceptable answers in science and not, “The answer is certainly no and why would you even bring up such a hypothesis you Fox News watching retard!?”

Part of it probably is, admittedly, that the post came from you. After your meltdowns about carrying guns, tantrums about going to the gym during the height of COVID, etc, people are cognitively biased to think you are a non-thinking Fox viewer given these prior episodes.

Dropping hard r words probably not going to be helpful on that front either.

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Sure, but actual human beings tend to be frank and informal via emails in ways they wouldn’t be in a formal paper.

IIRC there was some hullabaloo many years ago about some IPCC climatologist using the phrase “mathematical trick” in an email and conservatives made hay out of that for months after his emails got hacked or whatever.

Months? They’re still talking about Michael Mann’s emails.

I ordered mine animal style