COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Did i miss this?

Sinovac gets WHO approval. China aiming to produce 3 billion doses by the end of the year

I am way to busy today to read the Fauci emails, but I assume people are going to make all kinds of claims about sausage after seeing how sausage is actually made. And by sausage I mean science.

It’s a messy process. If we already knew the answers then it wouldn’t be necessary to do experiments, data analysis, etc.

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A while back there was discussion of new restaurant terraces and a few pictures that seemed sceptical of US attempts to be ‘like Paris’. Figured I’d share this genuine COVID era Parisian terrace I just walked past.


It’s so charming, look at that mansard roof in the background!

Right. Which is why, “We don’t yet know” or, “so far the data suggests it’s highly unlikely” are perfectly acceptable answers in science and not, “The answer is certainly no and why would you even bring up such a hypothesis you Fox News watching retard!?”

Part of it probably is, admittedly, that the post came from you. After your meltdowns about carrying guns, tantrums about going to the gym during the height of COVID, etc, people are cognitively biased to think you are a non-thinking Fox viewer given these prior episodes.

Dropping hard r words probably not going to be helpful on that front either.

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Sure, but actual human beings tend to be frank and informal via emails in ways they wouldn’t be in a formal paper.

IIRC there was some hullabaloo many years ago about some IPCC climatologist using the phrase “mathematical trick” in an email and conservatives made hay out of that for months after his emails got hacked or whatever.

Months? They’re still talking about Michael Mann’s emails.

I ordered mine animal style



We need to stop pussyfooting around with lotteries and free beer and just fucking do direct payments of a few hundred dollars per shot to get the vaccine.

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maybe we should just declare open season on the unvaxxed. how many good guys with tranquilizer dart guns can it possibly take? like 100?

this is how you bootstrap a UBI


shit, if you can run over protestors with your car, why not vaccine protestors?

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jeez man. i just want to vaccinate them against their will, not increase my car insurance premiums.


Better off using the money to ship vaccines to India or Vietnam where the people will actually want to get them.


The shots are free and within walking distance of nearly every American. Every major company is offering paid time off to get them plus additional incentives and states are throwing in additional incentives as well. Nearly all states have programs where the shots will come to you. At a certain point, there is only so much you can do. I still think paying people to get the shots is the right move, but it’s not really about access or availability anymore.

Edit: Also this piece’s premise doesn’t quite pass the smell test. Only half of the general public is vaccinated but covid rates have been decimated off their peaks. The 7dma in the US is down to 16,000 as of today off of a peak of like 200k a few months ago. Deaths have gone from 4000 a day to 400. Hospitalizations from 100k to 10k. Covid rates are not the same in the unvaccinated population as they were when things were really bad. Not even close. And the rate of decline continues to increase. The Memorial Day slump is now accounted for and cases in the US are still down 46 percent over the 14dma. Nebraska is a state with a low number of vaccinations right now where a huge super-majority of counties have had no reported covid cases for weeks. All indicators are that Covid in the US is headed towards burning itself down to really really low levels where we are once again talking about occasional location specific outbreaks, probably when the weather gets hot in the south, and then when the weather gets cold in the north.

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Lol adjusted for vaccinations.

I don’t have a subscription. However, from what I can see, they are picking and choosing data to support a conclusion that is just not true. Take this quote:

I mean, there is just no way that across broad swaths of unvaccinated society the covid case rate is the same as it was in late January. In late January we were averaging 200,000 cases per day nationwide. We are currently averaging 16,000 cases per day nationwide. Only half the country is vaccinated.

I was able to get into it somehow. I mean, this graph seems like pretty good news to me, including for the unvaccinated…: