ChrisV's Walrus

In the interests of building my new spotify playlists (lol, i broke down), do you share all the entries, or just the points-getters? I’d actually be interested in seeing all 150 songs :stuck_out_tongue:


I know liking a post should replace “this,” but this.

I believe the game is done so that all entries receive points, from least to most, for each question. So all 150 songs should be revealed.

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^ that

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I’ll do category 1 tomorrow. Or today your time, or whatever.

Hoping to kick off at about 6pm Eastern, assuming I don’t sleep in (that’s 8:30am for me).

if I reply today is that too late?

oops nvm, looked above.

Reveal is imminent. Just getting a coffee and whatnot.


Oh yeah, lets do this