ChrisV's Walrus - Reveal Thread

My introduction to most Pixies songs was an amazing bootleg from what we think is the Tin Machine tour in 1992 - possibly in Zurich. I can’t listen to the studio of any of the songs because they sound flat and weak to in comparison.

Back in the day my tape player started recording slightly slowly, so then when it was played at normal speed it was fast. I remember unexpectedly liking the third Suede album till I heard it as intended.

This would have been my second choice for song that brings me back. First time I did shrooms in college. They put the speakers on each end of the couch pointed right at our ears and put on Louder then Bombs. Golden Lights set me up and Shelia Take a Bow finished me off 2 songs in. I heard God that day - and his name is Johnny Marr.

Checking the interwebs it looks like Golden Lights was in the middle of the album. Maybe my friends skipped to it first, or we had some different version. Or my memory sucks from drugs. Nah couldn’t be that.

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Yeah I have heard Jarrett before, he’s great, I think I saw a documentary or something, I’ve seen footage of him perform anyway. I haven’t sat down and listened to his stuff though and hadn’t heard that piece before. Can’t really be having super long stuff though, it’d be a disaster if everyone did that.

Shoot. I just ran into a song on my playlist that I totally should have submitted for the piano category.

This is a good example of a video I remember really well but a song I couldn’t pick out of a lineup

This category has been a lot more fun to judge. We got two Australian artists. We got four great entries that I am going to have to squeeze into three podium spots. It’s possible I will be heartily laughed at for not knowing one of them. We will find out starting somewhere around 6-7 Eastern tomorrow er today, I guess.


Huzzah! Something to look forward to all day.


Is it possible to make a shareable playlist out of all these? I know nothing about Spotify.


I hope you recognize this shameful pandering for what it is and rank them accordingly. You can give the third place on the podium to someone else.

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I’m already doing this per-category to make things easier for myself. Category 1, Category 2. They’re missing a few tracks not on Spotify. Also, idk how searchable this stuff is but if you can search other playlists by me, spoilers await, obviously.

One of them has committed light treason, so idk how to feel about that.

I’m sitting at a bar waiting for a friend and there’s no new posts here! I’m not even concerned about my rank in this one bc I picked an incredibly popular song and am prepared to be punished. I’ve just waited over 48 hours now and need more action!


lol, I just realised Wes submitted his categories out of order and I’ve been listening to the wrong song. I’ll need to give this a few listens now, bear with me.

My body is ready

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I plan on doing these for a while, so this extra time allows me to ask a question.

Has there ever been a blind walrus?

Some posters here just plain hate each other, so it might be fun to not not know who submitted what. That would take a non participant third party to sit out every game but maybe someone different volunteers each time.

To be clear, I don’t know know you nor you me and also I don’t care where I end up so this isn’t about this ranking, just crossed my mind as a professional auditor lol

To add on, each round score announcement would be public and the submitting party known, but the listener wouldn’t know who submitted.

I know I have seen one before. I am not entirely sure the logistics, but if you partner with someone else it should be easy enough to do.