ChrisV's Walrus - Reveal Thread

Butthurt levels are rising. Exciting developments.


Yeah maybe I dunno, but trying to interpret cryptic clues adds to the fun!

Mine is none of the above

Looking at the remaining songs, I quite enjoy all of them. Weā€™ve moved from the section where I order stuff I didnā€™t really like in what feels like a very arbitrary way, to where Iā€™m ordering stuff I did quite like in what feels like a very arbitrary way.

In 9th place, scoring 7 points, skydiver8 with Uncertain Smile by The The

Thereā€™s something about The The that never quite comes together for me; I donā€™t like the singer, is part of it, and I find them a little bit rambling. That said, solid song and fun piano on the outro. I feel like this is too low, but when I considered each other song there was nothing I wanted to put below it, so this is where it ended up.

In 8th place, scoring 8 points, NotBruceZ with Happy Phantom by Tori Amos

Fun little song. I enjoy it but itā€™s a little disposable for me. I tend to enjoy Tori more when she dials back the quirky Tori jazzy thing a bit and does more straightforward singer-songwriter stuff. You could certainly have podiumed with this:

Had a lot of trouble with what to put next.

In 7th place, scoring 9 points, Master3004 with Konstantine by Something Corporate

I like the drama of this, but it does veer into melodrama/emo territory at times and it really has no business being nearly 10 minutes long. That ended up being a substantial detractor, thereā€™s just not enough song here to justify that and for all that thereā€™s a lot I enjoy about it, it makes it unlikely Iā€™ll listen to it again in the future.

Well damn. With that missing the podium, I see only one other remote possibility for a podium, though unlikely.

FWIW, that song grew on me. I didnā€™t like it all that much at all outside of the piano the first time I heard it, but subsequent listens really got me into the story of it all.

Coupled with learning more about the lead singer and his journey, and its a really great song I use to really get in the emo mood if the mood so strikes me


Speaking of things that are too fucking longā€¦

In 6th place, scoring 10 points, Twist with Kƶln Concert Part 1 by Keith Jarrett

To be fair to Twist, he did provide an alternative entry, but thatā€™s a sneaky attempt to get two for the price of one and I HomerIntoBushes.gifā€™d after one listen to the alternative anyway.

This is a really great piece, entrancing at times, this guy is brilliant on the piano and manages to blend jazz and classical in a way that, to me, is a lot more seamless than the way Gershwin tries to do it. But thenā€¦ I say itā€™s a really great piece, but I havenā€™t listened to the whole thing, because itā€™s 26 minutes long. And unless itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve ever heard, this is as high as you get with a 26 minute submission. OFF WITH ITS HEAD!

While weā€™re applying penaltiesā€¦

In 5th place, scoring 11 points, Goebs80 with Watching the Wheels by John Lennon

Great song, but itā€™s one of the most well known songs by an iconic artist, so I really have to deliver a bit of a penalty here. Iā€™m also not sure about it as a category fit, I mean hereā€™s the version minus piano right here:

So again, great song, but I donā€™t feel like I can put it higher than this.

If podium is something like Tom Waits or Diana Krall Iā€™m gonna riot.

Iā€™ll start another thread about ads if itā€™s St.James Infirmary.

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Oh my, almost at the end and I know where everything is going now.

In 4th place, scoring 12 points, Pauwl with Evertina by Lubomyr Melnyk

Certainly my favourite of the instrumentals that were not 3 hours long. A complex piece that grew on me with repeated listens, with a satisfying progression over the course of the piece.

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Friends, I have defeated this category.

Podium follows.

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I like the song but holy shit the player noise is brutal in the first 2 minutes. Any of you solo piano experts know if thatā€™s standard?

Hahahaha, Iā€™m not exactly butthurt but I stand by my song being a better piano song than some of these others. Sure it was straightforward but it was beautifully boring and I love it hahaha

Maybe Iā€™ve spent too much time with the Spotify Piano playlist as a backing track to late night work -_-

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Ha sorry. It is too long but youā€™ve got to say it showcases the piano pretty well.

Just a bit of extra info - The piano it showcases was a busted up replacement with sod all bass and treble and Jarrett basically made it up on the fly while wearing a back brace. What I love about it is you can hear him learning to work round the deficiencies as he goes along.

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In 3rd place, scoring 13 points, Johnny Truant with Blunderbuss by Jack White

Honestly I was kind of surprised to have this make the podium, it seemed like a simple song on first listen, but it wormed its way into my head. It has some hidden secrets, like the singing is delivered like a rap, with an internal rhyme scheme. I kept coming back for more listens and eventually it ended up here.


In 2nd place, scoring 14 points, suzzer99 with 1959 by Sisters of Mercy

Suzzer lucked out a bit with this song, because I heard it back when I was a teenager, liked it, and promptly forgot it existed for the next 20 years, only to be reminded now. Simple stuff, but beautifully atmospheric in a way that only the piano can be. Doesnā€™t outstay its welcome. Good stuff.

In 1st place, scoring 15 points, WesleyC with Carin at the Liquor Store by The National

This is orbiting overhead looking down on the rest of the category. Itā€™s really the only song in the category I can say I love without reservation. That melancholic piano line underpins the whole song, itā€™s great for the category. Itā€™s emotional, itā€™s compelling. I guess I am going to that concert.


Thanks for bearing with me. This was a really brutal category to rate, the most difficult Iā€™ve ever done, and honestly I feel like if I did it again in a couple weeks it might be substantially different, but this was where Iā€™m at at this moment in time.

Category 3 is going to be fun I think, there are some really great stories people submitted about what the songs mean to them. I wonā€™t do a reveal tomorrow though, I need some more time to get to grips with that and Category 4.


Tough to hate on that as Iā€™m also a fan of The National, good choice tbh

Great stuff so far