ChrisV's Walrus - Reveal Thread

Yeah I don’t think we’re gonna mesh on too many of our musical tastes. :p That sounds like Christian Rock.

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How dare you sir.

Shearwater are art-rock, normally not so pop/accessible as that song. The guitars at the start remind me of U2.

Just for that, I’m going Shearwater for the “what would you have submitted” tomorrow as well.

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Ah art-rock in the great traditions of Yes (possibly my least favorite classic rock band OAT), King Crimson and Moby Grape or Uriah Heap or whatever.

What does art-rock even mean besides boring?

You said you wanted testy and contentious. Art-rock is definitely gonna bring it out.

Art-rock isn’t prog-rock - although all genres are ultimately fluid and meaningless, of course. So I didn’t have to think about it myself, I googled the difference and this is my understanding too:

But Progressive rock tends to put more of its artistic emphasis on the music itself : maybe longer, more elaborate arrangements with different sections in different styles. Art rock may do that but might also be content with fairly ordinary song-structures but given an aesthetic twist because of a new instrument, or lyrical trick or even just the style of presentation.

Prog-rock is 13 minute songs with musical showing-off and multiple time-signature changes; Rush, King Crimson, Dream Theater and so on. Art-rock is taking an experimental approach rather than just trying to write songs in one style like a band like U2 or Foo Fighters or whoever. That’s my understanding of it anyway.

That’s pretty much Beefheart in two sentences, though “proper” art-rock too (he was an acclaimed painter) ie not prog.

Shearwater definitely not art rock - standardish stadium stuff really.

Post-Waters Floyd is no-ideas rock; post Animals Floyd is no-tunes rock.

I only got half way through each of the top 3 before I couldn’t take any more dreariness.

Best song here is clearly Southern Man (by a country mile). I thought about submitting it but assumed you’d know it.

I agree with the above (about Southern Man). I was comforted for my appalling showing when you stuck something off of After the Gold Rush at no. 10. Tough crowd!

My second choice was this, but I figured submitting a track quoting Waltzing Matilda to you might seem like a piss take.

Can I submit a post-reveal honorable mention/obvious-woulda-been-winner-let’s-get-real?


But srsly, this is removed from the realm of faux-smack-talk. It’s in my top10 OAT and sometimes top5 depending on my mood, and I’d just like to share it for anybody who hasn’t heard.

There’s not a high quality upload but that one’s fine.

Dying under hot desert sun
Watch your colors run

Did you believe the lie they told you
That Christ would lead the way
And in a matter of days he’d
Hand us victory

Did you buy the bull they sold you
That the bullets and the bombs
And all the strong-arms
Would bring home security

All eyes upon
Dry Drunk Emperor
Gold cross jock skull and bones
Mocking smile
He’s been
Standing naked for a while

Get him gone
Get him gone
Get him
And bring all the thieves to trial

End their false promise and their dream
Watch it turn to steam
Rise in to the nose of some cross-legged god
Gog and Magog
End times sort of thing

Oh unmentionable disgrace
Shield the children’s faces
As all the monied apes
Display unimaginably poor taste
In a scramble for mastery

Atta boy
Get him with your gun
Until Mister Megaton
Tells us when we’ve won
What we’re gonna leave undone

All eyes upon
Dry Drunk Emperor
Gold cross jock skull and bones
Mocking smile
He’s been
Standing naked for a while

Get him gone
Get him gone
Get him
And bring all his thieves to trial

What if all the father’s and the sons
Went marching with their guns
Drawn on Washington

That would seal the deal
Show if it was real
This supposed freedom

What if all the bleeding hearts
Took it on themselves
To make a brand new start

Organs pumping on their sleeves
Paint murals on The White House
Feed the leaders LSD

Oh grab your fife and drum
Grab your gold baton
Let’s meet on the lawn

Shut down this hypocrisy



Considering the winner, though, should have just gone with the GOAT 80s synth post apocalypse track.


If I contfined myself to my own music collection, good chance I go with

I change my answer to this. Timeless.

Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul

@suzzer99 this is one of my favorite songs of all time, but it is also the single angriest song I know and definitely would have been my entry

This was my first thought for the category but assumed five people would submit it.

The reason I don’t think I’ll ever play, while I love the music that I love my range is literally one hit wonders everybody knows already, Metallica/Megadeth/some random metal, a handful of guitarists, then like Dido, Enya, Lisa Gerrard and Delerium.

I would have chosen this for my political song

It has 300 million views


All SOAD’s songs are low-key political. They’re like the anti-RATM.

I think song 2 has my best shot at a podium, so Im excited for reveal

We are going to find out if Chris likes ballads.

Hi friends. Well. Here we go. Sigh.

CATEGORY 2: A song in which my favourite instrument, the piano, is featured heavily (Ben Folds/Elton John = zero points).

This category is a nightmare to judge. I am a sad walrus.

There’s very little I really like in here and the fact that it spans a wide range of styles makes matters worse, because it’s difficult to compare one thing to another. The prospect of trying to sort this pile of indifference into some kind of order fills me with dread. I have a rough order here, obviously, but it’s probably going to be a slow reveal while I gradually decide how things are going to go.

I still don’t even know what I’m going to put last. The problem is not that I haven’t listened to everything enough. The problem is that I have.

Well, that sounds promising… :grimacing:

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