ChrisV's Walrus - Reveal Thread

What would I have submitted?

Well, here I don’t have to speculate, because I pinched this category from Bloobird’s walrus, in which I was a competitor.

Mia Dyson - The Outskirts of Town

Mia is an Australian singer, soul/rock type thing. Big fan of that song. My idea of what you want for this category is something a bit melancholy. Nick Royale and I bet on whose submission would come higher in this category, without knowing what each other had submitted. I won, I think this came third or something.


hokie’s wild ride continues.

In 15th place, scoring 1 point, hokie with Time Lapse by Kalax

I gave this a number of listens, but it continued to just sound like a wall of synth. Not a lot to hold onto here, couldn’t get into it.

I’m not scoring on that basis, though.

Hmmmmm, I might be ok based on that.

Lol same. My song is literally the opposite of melancholy

I dunno man, maybe I did need shrooms. Suzzer’s wild ride also continues.

In 14th place, scoring 2 points, suzzer99 with Ocean by A Place to Bury Strangers

It sounded like there was a pretty decent track hidden under there somewhere, but why the fuck do the vocals sound like they were recorded underwater? It’s not artistic, it just sounds like crap. I was admittedly asking for this by complaining about the ultra-clean production on your submission last category. I listened to this a bunch trying to get past that, but the more I listened, the more it annoyed me.

I quite liked everything from this point on, so it feels quite harsh to put anything in thirteenth place. It was therefore convenient that there’s someone in the walrus I’ve been friends with for 20 years and don’t need to feel bad about being harsh to.

In 13th place, scoring 3 points, WesleyC with I Don’t Know (Live) by Lisa Hannigan

Song is OK, performance I don’t think is that great? Got a bit of a Christian music group vibe to it. Little bit of a Ben Lee live thing going on.

Nah, was straight for listening to this, possibly buzzed would help. That one just never stopped sounding like a collection of notes to me, you know? I ended up quite liking most of this category so I gotta put the ones I just didn’t get down the bottom.

In 12th place, scoring 4 points, NotBruceZ with Gin and Juice by The Gourds

When I realised this was going to be a Snoop Dogg cover, I thought I was going to hate it, and I didn’t. It was OK. It never really rose above the level of novelty for me though. It’s also a fair bit longer than it needs to be.

In 11th place, scoring 5 points, Pauwl with Fare Thee Well, Miss Carousel by Townes Van Zandt

Pretty good song, but I didn’t like the singer, as in both I don’t think he’s a great singer and I don’t like the style. For a singer/songwriter that’s a significant detractor for me, it’s why I don’t listen to Dylan at all. If only we could have Dylan songs, but without the Dylan. <----- FORESHADOWING

In 10th place, scoring 6 points, skydiver8 with Bad Reputation by Joan Jett

Skydiver wrote:

There is literally no such song. It would be idiotic for me to walk home slightly drunk at 1 am wearing headphones, because I would need to have all my wits about me and ready to fight or scream or whatnot. Head on a swivel, etc. I can’t relate to this experience, so here’s a song that the DD might blast in the car on the way home instead.

Probably a fair point. Are you telling me that this educational guide on how to approach women wearing headphones uninvited might not be totally accurate?

According to this guide, this is the enthusiastic reaction I can expect should I randomly approach a woman wearing headphones and tell her to take them off so I can try to chat her up:


Very confusing conflicting information, not sure what to believe. Anyway, the song. It’s a solid pop/punk song, still gets a fair bit of radio play here. While listening to it I kept being reminded of another song and couldn’t work it out. Eventually figured out it was Green Day’s American Idiot. It’s not quite the same, but it’s similar enough that I feel like they lifted the structure from Bad Reputation.


Suzzer posted that originally, I think. In the comments on the tweet I took it from, a woman says that one time on the train, a guy simply pulled out one of her earbuds so he could talk to her.

I don’t know, what I get from that article is women who are like, sitting at a cafe or in a library or on an airplane alone. that’s different. (Personally, headphones means leave me alone, but I understand that’s not every woman’s experience).

Women walking alone (especially at night) want to be left alone. If they are listening to music, I personally question their judgement, but they also have that right, and if you do approach a woman walking alone at night, expect her to be on guard, a kick in the nuts, or pepper spray, whatever.

I’m 5’1"…I don’t walk alone at night. I ask a security guy at the LA casinos to walk me to my car. I take an Uber, even if it’s only a few blocks.

I would suggest that if you are walking behind a woman alone at night, just slow down, and give her some space. I guarantee she knows you’re there, and might even be getting nervous and trying to hide it because some random dude is following her. Yes, I know, not all men, blah blah, but how are we supposed to know the difference?

Soooo…I approached this category as, what would we be rocking in the car on the way home from a girls night out.

Amazingly enough, women are just…people. So if you put in headphones and don’t want to be bothered, you can assume that a lot of women think the same way. Others don’t. Would you want your personal space invaded by some random dude? No? neither does she. LOL

Oh the article is nuts, I think it’s well out of line to approach a woman (or a man) wearing headphones in any situation. I think a lot of guys do give women some space at night. A number of times I’ve crossed the road merely to avoid continuing to walk behind someone.

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Not that this belongs in this thread, or is about me walking, but last night at 11pm I was driving up the alley behind my house and there was a fairly large person totally decked out as the killer clown with “free hugz” sign walking down the alley and he made scary motions at my car. On the one hand I knew it wasn’t a real killer clown and I drove by slowly and carefully. It was the Saturday night before Halloween after all. On the other hand…well, I hope he didn’t try to actually block any cars.

Sorry dude, it is another mid table finish I’m afraid. I didn’t even know this was you until I looked it up just now.

In 9th place, scoring 7 points, Master3004 with Midnight Train to Memphis by Chris Stapleton

Pretty good song, I thought it could have used a bit more drive, maybe played a little faster or something. Came across a bit flat to me for that reason. The main riff started getting a little repetitive as well.

ok i just read more of that article, and it’s satire, right?

please say yes.

Most women are polite and friendly and will take off their headphones to talk to you at that point, so just start talking and have a conversation with her.

HAHAHA, we are “polite” because if we aren’t, guys then call us bitch and ■■■■ and tell us to fuck of or go to hell…or they get abusive or worse. It’s just a defense mechanism.

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grumble grumble grumble

It’s not satire, it’s international women expert Dan Bacon.

I just noticed that on that page, he’s linked articles which agree with him, and one of them is some woman in The Federalist. Some truly cursed content there.