ChrisV's Walrus - Reveal Thread

Walrus. The game where you are given a joke synth-pop song about boning and a 16th-century piece of choral sacred music and asked to explain which is superior. We will solve this and many other great mysteries tonight. Let us commence.


Remember the category now

Category 4: A song with the capability to shift your mood when it comes on.

I found this category a bit on the weak side, but unlike Category 2 I didn’t feel out of my depth, so it’s all good. I have a pretty good idea of where I want things to go, even if I don’t know what’s coming third yet. I think if I had my time over I’d avoid categories like this and the previous one, which tend to unnecessarily restrict the pool of songs people can choose from.

What would I have submitted?

As you might imagine, I got a solid amount of upbeat pop for this category and I’d have gone in that direction as well, with Summertime by The Sundays:

Does what it says on the tin. Evocative of carefree sunny days spent outside.

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Not the worst song you could have picked for my odds

Yeaaahhh…soooo… that‘s not the direction I went.

I‘m gonna switch to Katrina & The Waves — I‘m walking on sunshine

In 15th place, scoring 1 point, jalfrezi with Another Green World by Brian Eno

Man, put me solidly in the “did not get it” camp here. The first time I listened to it, I was like “man this piece of silence before the next part of this song is really long… wait, that’s IT?”. Those were my thoughts on subsequent listens as well. Never even glimpsed this piece’s appeal.

„Please stay on the line. Your call is important to us. The next available…“

I mean, to be fair, it could completely change your mood from “happy” to “WTF did I just listen to.”


In 14th place, scoring 2 points, NotBruceZ with Everybody Loves Me, Baby by Don McLean

The jokes about the song (and the poster, given that current monstrosity of a thread) write themselves.

Not only did I not enjoy this but I thought the chord progressions sounded near identical to American Pie. It felt like he was singing a variation on it at some points.

Eno’s one of the most varied and pioneering musicians in existence. Started with Roxy Music I think. I have an LP somewhere of ‘My Life in the Bush of Ghosts’ which I have played exactly once. He did an album called Atmospheres which is basically ambient Aphex Twin but a decade earlier.

Goodbye, Goebs80.

In 13th place, scoring 3 points, Goebs80 with Goodbye, Stranger by Supertramp

Going mainstream and failing to nail the judge’s taste is a good way to end up near the bottom in a walrus. I’ve never liked this song, the falsetto section I just find annoying.

Here’s a shared experience the Kids Of Today will never have: did you guys shop at secondhand record stores when you were young? There were those artists where there would always be like 20 copies of their albums for sale. I feel like Supertramp were a prominent example of this.

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His breathrough album was “Music for airports”

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I would like to add context here for everyone else. It makes me laugh no matter the circumstance bc of the American version of The Office with the Michael Scott cover.

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Those were easy. I was less sure about what to put next.

In 12th place, scoring 4 points, skydiver8 with The Unbreakable by BT

I listen to a fair amount of EDM and while there are a couple BT tracks I like (Mercury and Solace and Satellite come to mind) in general I find him anodyne and that’s definitely my take on this. This is also very much a victim of the “more than 10 minutes long, I had better love it” maxim.

Feeling bad is an occupational hazard of being a walrus judge and at this point I’m starting to feel like skydiver8 and I are not going to connect here. In fact, I felt bad enough to be putting this here that I peeked ahead at what she submitted for the next category to see if things were on the up, and was like “hmmmmmm”. The rest of you will get the joke next reveal. (btw, I haven’t listened to it or to any of Category 5 yet).

luckily the next track is literally nothing like this one

C+C Music Factory?

no, but like i said, next time i’ll have to play this like Lodden Thinks

In 11th place, scoring 5 points, Johnny Truant with Hope She’ll Be Happier by Bill Withers

Yikes. Johnny definitely didn’t go in the upbeat pop direction on this one.

Great singer, don’t really like the song. That three-note guitar line that goes through much of it starts to get on my nerves after a while. Not a lot of light and shade. I see the appeal, but I don’t feel it myself.