Christmas Weekend Fun

I will be home alone for the next 3 days celebrating Xmas solo as the wife works covid unit and does the usual minimal contact. I want to find other people who want to get on Discord and drink and talk shit, play rocket league, jackbox, among us or anything else that makes things better. I would also be down for some tv/movie group watching if that is what people want. Posting here because @RiskyFlush told me to make a thread so here we go.


Okay just let me leave my banner up a little longer in case anyone wants to join me in watching a delightful though somewhat boring movie

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I’m in, won’t have much else to do at nights, I usually play something with my good friend but not he’s on less often these days and drops out kinda earlier in the night so I can drop in after he goes to bed at the very least


Ok i’m in, also alone


I could be down for a movie or a game or some shit.

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Can’t participate but was pretty surprised how much fun I had on discord after the election


My preferred method of leisure activity besides shitposting is Board Game Arena. Would do that most nights (not exclusive to Christmas/New Years week). I have my favorites on there, but would try just about anything.

Would very likely participate in a Jackbox night or movie watch.

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What is board game arena?

Also i have jb5 on ps4 but sharing it via twitch always has some lag from my experience. The people i know who have it on pc/steam always have better latency. If anyone has it and can run the game from pc that will likely be better.

Obviously we don’t have to play jackbox. We could get on Discord and play among us or anything else you all want too.

I have RL and so does @goofyballer Would love to get some action

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What is Jackbox and what do you like about it?

I think I’ve played with goofy before or am I confusing with someone else?

Ive played with Krazy definitely several years ago with some random 2+2ers

Its an online triva game that is half riddle and half trivia. At least the better versions. It also happens to be fairly short, maybe 20 mins.

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Geez man, for whatever it’s worth I appreciate your wife’s and by extension your sacrifice.


The real key is only one person has to own it. Everyone else joins in via computer/phone/tablet

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Yup. Your phone turns into your controller.

I got PS4 and a very crappy old PC.

Sounds awesome. If you’ll start one on a semi-occasional basis, I’d enjoy playing.

It’s a site with about 250 board and card games. Obviously they don’t have the rights to everything, but if you name a player count, time frame and complexity level, there will be something there.