Celebrity Sexual Harrassment

per the earlier discussion






Well that sucks. You’d think by now I’d be used to having people I think are admirable turn out to be shitheads but no.

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Sounds like that guy is a real jerk


Seems like you should never be shocked by a rich and famous guy leveraging that into abusing women, at least not unless you’ve heard multiple independent reports of that guy being especially respectful, like Keanu Reeves.


In addition to that I like to apply something called the EYE TEST:


Maybe I am not good at reading people, but only Weinstein and, Louis CK? look all that creepy, and some of the “good” ones could still be creepers.

you spent the last 2 days sifting through twitter and thats all you could find? Norm GOAT thanks for confirming.



And I’d do it to get girls! I’d be in a bar and for some reason when you’re drunk, girls will put up with it if you try to grope them or whatever. ( In a high-pitched voice :slightly_smiling_face: “What are you doing? Haha!” If you’re sober, they’re like, “Hey! Just what do you think you‘re doing?” So I’d just garble my words. I have used being a drunk to my advantage many times.

Look closer. Exactly one of the two men pictured below is alleged to have done the following act:

I remember first noticing him wearing an Oxford shirt and holding a fistful of cocktail sauce-smothered shrimp. He popped one down his throat and then another…He was masturbating. Right there. With shrimp in one hand. And me standing in front of him. Masturbating. Mastur-bating. I’m not even kidding.

You don’t have to read anyone. You just have to know that none of the dudes in the top panel are men that women are trying to get randomly sexed by.

Like any other test, it doesn’t have 100% sensitivity or specificity. That’s why I said I like it in conjunction with your test. There’s just a real primal principle at play here though which is all of the dudes in the bottom panel are HOT and all of the dudes in the top panel are NOT.

Uh, hot dudes absolutely can be creepers and abusive, too.

Nowhere have I made the argument that they can’t. That’s sort of like saying “women can be rapists too.” Of course they can, but you’d never make a Bayesian guess that a mystery rapist (with no other information) was a woman. Could an international sex icon like Leo DiCaprio be forcing himself onto all of those young actresses and models he’s always being spotted with? Yeah sure, it’s possible. Now what about an old pig with gatekeeping power like Harvey Weinstein or Brett Ratner? Are you saying you think the odds are the same?

I can’t presume to know the odds, but it’s pretty well known that some dudes get off on the abuse of power, even if they’re hot, and not all women are attracted to the same “hot” guys such that a super hot guy would not ever have to abuse power to get a woman he desired.

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You’re ignoring the massive asymmetry of no one actually wanting to fuck disgusting old dudes that corner women to jerk off slurping shrimp cocktail vs. maybe there’s a Sexiest Man Alive out there who’s a total psycho and emboldened when he finds a woman who’s not into him. So far we’ve found way more of the first dude in the #MeToo allegations which was entirely predictable. The Brady sketch is silly but people were laughing because there’s at least some small element of truth to it.

The dialogue around both Kobe and C Ronaldo rape cases were gross, and I liked both athletes.


And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.

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Seems like anything that gives people power is likely to be used to take advantage of others. Money, looks, charm, intelligence, influence, artistic or athletic skill, whatever. Maybe the default should be that that the more someone stands out, the more suspect they are. I’d rather not think about it too much, but what kind of person I would be, given some power? Better than the average asshole, I hope, but maybe not.

Is there a woman on earth that would consider Brad Pitt squeezing their bum at a bar sexual harassment?

lol yes?


Well, for one, all the lesbians. For two, all the women who might find him attractive but also don’t appreciate that kind of forwardness from some random but admittedly hot dude at the bar.